Running-au Naturel!

Running and Nude Recreation

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Hi, I'm Pete.

Last updated 1/03/01

I took up running in 1991 to help me lose weight and keep it off. In the process of doing so, I fell in love with it and am still just as passionate about my running as I ever was.

In 1995, I moved to the Spokane, Washington area. I had heard about the Bare Buns Fun Run (BBFR) before, but never attended because I lived so far away. Since I lived a lot closer, I decided to go and have been going ever since.

The BBFR is held at Kaniksu Ranch, which is about 30 miles (give or take) north of Spokane. It is a beautiful place located in the woods. Over 800 people turned out for the run last year, with more than that there as spectators. People show up to camp out for the weekend. There is a dance and a spaghetti feed. Then, of course, there is the big race. One of the best organized races in the country. Don't take my word for it, come on out and see for yourself.

The BBFR gave me my first "real" introduction to nudism. I have found nudists to be some of the nicest people I've known. I joined Kaniksu Ranch last year. It has totally changed my life. I feel as though I'm a member of an extended family. It's a feeling of belonging that I've never had before.

If you've never been to one before, I urge you to check out a nudist resort. You won't regret it.

* * * UPDATE * * *

Last June, I ran my first marathon in Kona Hawaii. It was great! Steve and I ran it in 6:02. Not too bad, considering that the start was on an uphill and we ran 14 miles of it in the lava fields in 120 degree heat. Hawaii was beautiful and I really enjoyed my time there. After Hawaii, Steve and I ran the Portland marathon. It poured down rain starting 20 minutes before the race and didn't stop until we were about 3 miles into the race. Still better than the heat of Kona. We finished in a time of 5:47, and that included have to wait 6 minutes for a train to go by after 11 miles into the race. It was a great marathon to run and they treat their runners real well.

You can e-mail me at .

Links to other sites on the Web

Northwest nudist camps and resorts
American Association for Nude Recreation
The Naturist Society
Family Naturism
Naturist/Nudism links
Bare Buns Fun Run 2000
List of nude runs across the U.S.
Northwest running info
Directory of Hashes everywhere
Spokane area Hash House Harriers
Runners World
Bloomsday -Largest timed road race in the country.

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