About Witchcraft:
Some of these links & books below contain some info about "witchcraft"..
unfortunately this is hard to avoid when you're looking for info on paganism
these days.. at one point I started to become interested in that, too, until
I learned that most of this witchcraft/wicca stuff was invented by some nut
in the 1940s. One "witch" in the IRC started arguing with me about that, saying
"what's wrong with being invented in the 1940s?" - well, nothing, but then they
shouldn't call themselves "Witches" or refer to what they're doing as "Witchcraft".
They should call it "Wicca" and "Wiccans" exclusively, that's the term for their
religion I believe. My own kind of paganism is not that different from Wicca,
actually. You just won't catch me calling the "Watchtowers", reciting the "Charge
of the Goddess", or any of that stuff. I say "Merry Meet" sometimes in mails to
other pagans, to make them feel more comfortable - however, I'm well aware that
those phrases have their origin in freemasonry, and have nothing to do with


Don't waste your money!
Ok if you're bored & have nothing else to read..
Pretty good..
Excellent - must read!
This book RULES!!!
  1. The Urban Pagan - by Patricia Telesco
    (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn; 1995)
    Easy reading - full of "New Age" crap.

  2. The Truth About Witchcraft Today - by Scott Cunningham
    (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn; 1996)
    Very basic overview. If you have access to the web don't buy it - most of this info you'll find surfing on a Pagan webring for example.

  3. To Ride a Silver Broomstick - by Silver RavenWolf
    (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn; 1996)
    Like a workbook. Most of the exercises you won't be able to do unless you're already into meditating or have a very active imagination.

  4. The Spiral Dance - by Starhawk
    (HarperSanFrancisco; 1989)
    I'm only starting the second chapter and I absolutely love it! Well researched book, very challenging, makes you think. Reads more like a college-level book, while the others were high school. Four pentagrams! :)

  5. The Dawn of Belief - by Bruce Dickson
    (University of Arizona, Tuscon, Az; 1990)
    Extremely interesting but not very entertaining to read; dry. Presents and discusses archaeological evidence of the very first belief systems (in the Upper Paleolithic of Southwestern Europe).


Pagans Unlimited
Home of the Pagans Unlimited Webring
Pagan Awareness League
Pagan Rights
Know your rights at work & school
The Wood between the Worlds
This person really loves forest, just like me.
Walking in Balance
Interesting spiritual path of a shaman.
Earth Wisdom
Earth Religions
The Pagan Federation
The Sacred Feminine
Beautiful artwork.

Earthwatch International
Envirolink Homepage
Defenders of Wildlife
Environmental Organization Directory
A Search Engine!

The Ancient World Wide Web
The ultimate index of all things ancient.
Myths and Legends
History of the Pentagram

The Religious Reich
Essay on fundamentalists and their agenda.
People for the American Way
Right wing watch.
My party in Germany.

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities