Articles on Reiki Ryoho Page 1


All about Reiki: 0ne of the most comprehensive sites on the internet. Information including: Articles on Reiki, Branches/Schools of Reiki, Resources (books, manuals, tapes, links), What Reiki is and is not, Reiki Classes and more.


blue spiral Why different levels of Reiki training?
blue spiral Some Success Stories from the Use of Reiki.
blue spiral Can one zap your strength or violate your aura?
blue spiral MORE ARTICLES

blue spiral Why different levels of Reiki training?

We have met many people who have had every kind of training available: some are attuned to all levels in one weekend, or have taken years to complete all the levels. Some are given copious amounts of well structured class notes, and others receive just the attunement. Some students have paid much money for training, while others have received it for free. Some students do a lot of hands-treatments on themselves before offering it to others; and still there are many who skip the hands-on and begin doing absentee treatments; and still others do not practice the technique, but start teaching as soon as they can after their attunement to mastership. Some people research Reiki extensively, reading all the books, taking classes from different masters, seeking out details and facts to support the origin/history of the system. Others could care less about these matters, and just want to hang the certificates on their wall. And some have found other modalities of healing, but because of the current popularity of Reiki, have called these other systems Reiki, so they can ride the wave of monetary gain from the teaching of the modality. So, what can one expect to learn from the many teaching styles? Is one way school or style of teaching better than another? How does one pick out competent teachers and know that they will receive valuable information? It seems that there are ever-increasing numbers of Reiki branches popping up all over the world. We have been asked if there is really anything to them or just being formed to make money during this period of time when Reiki is so popular. If Master/Sensei Mikao Usui was the re-discoverer of Reiki, then you might also wonder how these other branches have a history and lineage. I can best answer this with a symbolic story. If someone traveling in another country were to see a healing technique taking place and learned that process and really promoted it heavily throughout the world, then all the attention would be on that training/lineage/history (Usui). As people began to teach other, and they in turn taught others, then all minds would be thinking in the same line; the teaching would be popular. But if someone began to research the system, traveling the world, tracking resources/people that also do something similar, surely one or more researcher would find teachers that teach differently from the masses. Most branches of Reiki today can be traced through their lineage to Takata and originally Usui, but someone, somewhere in the world, sometime or other veered from the originally teaching, adding to or changing the content and possibly some historical facts. They taught others who taught others, and the system branched off and continued. And that is the way of Reiki...some of the Usui/Hayashi/Takata students added other information than what they originally learned, or found techniques that were similar in content and style and perhaps thought that the information must have come from the same source, so began teaching the new information as part of the Reiki system. So, in our opinion, there is validity in most (if not all) branches, and there is content that can be very useful when added to what one already knows/uses in performing the techniques. But let us also remember, it is our minds/thoughts that are creative; we place value differences on information according to how pertinent it is to our own needs/desires. That does not mean that one bit of information is better/more useful than another. We believe that anyone taking or thinking about taking Reiki training, should spend some time in discussion with the prospectivemasters/ teachers; asking questions, checking certificates, finding out what is taught in classes, inquiring about the reasons for the costs for classes. One should find out as much information about the master/teacher as can possibly be acquired, then compare this to other teachers in the area who have also been investigated. And we strongly suggest that you incorporate your sense of intuition/feeling about the masters that you question. Do you feel comfortable with the master, feel s/he is competent, knowledgeable, in service; do you feel a potential long-lasting relationship that will be beneficial to your growth? Is this person offering to assist you in learning how to teach Reiki, open to answer your questions in the future, willing to help you in your on-going application of Reiki practice and offer practical assistance to help you set up your Reiki business? Does the master do self-treatments daily; do they actively offer Reiki treatments in the area to people in poor health; do they volunteer their services to local hospitals, nursing homes, hospice programs, etc.? These are important questions to help you assess one's professionalism in the field of Reiki, but we have also found that many times, a master will be chosen because there is a spiritual/intuitive connection with him/her; a bond that can go beyond all the logical questions that one could devise and ask. This is perhaps the first of the tests that can help you narrow the field in searching for Reiki training.

The other important matter is the question of the various Reiki branches; are they viable, necessary, even helpful? We would have to say that we traveled (without home) for 3 years, searching out Reiki information and masters that we originators of some of the branches of Reiki popular today. In our opinion, each person has some information that is key to understanding the wholeness of Reiki. Each master who works with the Reiki will receive some of the knowledge contained in the system; that is the innate intelligence of Reiki. And if a practitioner wants to really understand Reiki, s/he should search out information, knowing that we all have a piece of the Truth. However, we would also say that if a seeker would pay the prices to take all the classes that are offered today, and that will continue to be presented, that involves an investment of many thousands of dollars. It was our experience that if you are a sincere seeker of Reiki knowledge, most masters of the various Reiki branches will share a lot of their learning with you, perhaps be willing to exchange research notes (books, class notes, stories, personal experiences, knowledge of the history and lineage, Reiki resources, etc.) and perhaps even an exchange of initiatory attunements. One fact that remains consistent within Reiki (perhaps other spiritual studies also) is there needs to be an even exchange of energy for balance to occur. That means to us that whatever the medium of exchange is (barter, treatments, attunements, information, etc.), if you give as much as you expect to gain, then what you seek will become available to you. All branches have some information that is a part of the Truth of the system and about the process called life. Not all are equal in substance; some are the platform for the presentation of ego and greed, but within the knowledge can be found some key information to help in the understanding of Reiki and its origins. We further feel that if a student/seeker chooses one lineage and takes all the levels of training it offers, and if they practice the art of Reiki daily, continue to read all the information available to the public, be a vessel through which the Reiki intelligence can channel/flow, dedicate Reiki as service to a changing Humanity, to remain open and accepting of all Reiki practitioners being in the place that is best for them in the present moment, and aware that there is not just one way to the Truth (in Reiki and all of life's lessons), then they will be led to the people and resources that will give the maximal useful teaching in the system that we know of as Reiki. We honor the place that you are at this moment, and we know that you will go as far in your understanding as is equal to the energy that you are willing to expend to that end. Namaste' and blessings in your journey of learning.

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blue spiral Some Success Stories from the Use of Reiki.

We have worked on hundreds of people, who have had the gambit of maladies, minor to life-threatening, and like any "assistant to the healing process", we have had our disappointments and successes. Herein are a few of our favorites.

We traveled extensively for the first three years of our relationship, and we soon developed a circuit that called for recurring visitations. We acquired a reputation in these places of visit of being a believer in the system of Reiki. So quite often, people were awaiting our return, offering us their symptoms for instant healing. But in all of our years and travels, we rarely witnessed that kind of miracle. We learned through experimentation and consistent treatments, that there was not many maladies/imbalances that would not improve with on-going Reiki treatments. We also soon discovered that we did not want to be responsible for the "healing" of others, but rather suggested that if they really wanted to be free of their symptoms, that our occasional treatments would have to be supplemented by their own inner and outer work. We helped people to see that we did not have "special talents/gifts of healing", but rather that anyone could learn to do the same as we did...through attunements and the practice of laying hands on themselves. So we often gave classes in these localities to all that would take them; those who wanted to be in good health again, and those who desired to be a support system to their community.

In one town we visited regularly, there was a wonderfully kind lady who had a stroke, and it affected her emotions so deeply, that she did not believe that she could ever be normal again. Therefore, the medical professionals could not help her; they could only offer physical therapy and experiment with drugs to help this dear person to find some relief of depression and pain. When we arrived in this town, we asked that this person if she really wanted to lead a normal life again, and if she would be willing to put a lot of energy into her own healing process. With a little convincing, and a few stories of others successes, she agreed to do what we thought important. We offered her daily treatments while in town, and if she saw any changes in her condition, that she was to learn Reiki from us and continue to give herself treatments. We also offered to support her by doing absentee treatments as we continued to travel the country. She agreed, if the treatments showed any improvements in the days we remained in her town. We started immediately, and within a few days, she noticed that her depression was eased and that she was sleeping better. That was enough to convince her to take the attunements and training to first degree and in our last few treatments on her, she helped us by doing Reiki on herself simultaneously. Well, she promised to keep up her daily treatments, and we left to continue our travels. Upon returning the next time, we found that she had not been faithful in her duties, and depression had once again set in. So we gave her some rather intense sessions and introduced the idea of increasing the available energy via the use of "symbols" and convinced her that if she would use the symbols with her self-treatments, that she would have greater change in her condition than without the additional training. So once again, she followed our suggestion and began her newly-powered treatments. And they also fell to the wayside once we left town, so we suggested that some other Reiki practitioners in town continue supporting her self-treatments giving her additional treatments two or three times each week. That was the missing link; she wanted help with her process. Each time we came back, she would excitedly come over to show us her improvements since our last visit, and today she is almost normal again, driving and doing for herself; she has since gotten married, and is now occasionally offering treatments to others in the neighborhood who are in need.

In another city, we arrived late one night and a friend that we were staying with was telling us the news since the last time we visited. And one lady friend (and second degree Reiki practitioner) was to have surgery in two days to remove breast lumps. We called her immediately, and asked her to come over the next morning, as we wanted to give her treatments and wanted her to consider postponing the surgery for only one week. She had to convince her husband, but eventually agreed to both. We did two treatments on her per day, and she was to self-treat as often during that day, as time and activities would allow. When we began at the beginning of the week, her breasts were so filled with lumps that her entire breast tissue were hard to the touch and painful. At the end of the week, her pain had subsided and her tissue was once again soft and supple. She went to the doctors for an exam, and the nurse was told to do a mammogram and to show him the results. He looked at the pictures and had the test repeated two more times, as he thought there must be some problem with the machine. All three tests showed the same results: the lumps were non-existent. The doctor sat with the patient and said that he didn't understand why the lumps were gone, but he was sure that they would return and he would be there to perform surgery when they did. She never had the surgery performed.

Another client in the same town was a 16 year old girl who had a bad overbite. Wanting to look normal and acceptable to her peers, she opted for elective surgery; she was to have her jaws broken, the upper jaw bone reduced and slid back into her mouth cavity and then the jaws wired for a month so the bones structure could heal and strengthen. She would be drinking her meals trough a straw for that time. We convinced the young lady and her mom that the healing would be faster, with less pain, if we would be allowed to do Reiki treatments three days before the surgery, immediately after the surgical procedure in the recovery room, and for three days after surgery. And of course we strongly suggested that she take our Reiki classes and continue self-treatments after the three days. Acceptance of those conditions, we began our treatments. Her surgery was successful, and she was brought to the recovery room still under sedation. Because of my ministerial status, I was permitted with the request of the girl's mother, to go into the recovery room, where I did Reiki on her mouth, jaw, throat, and head. The Reiki brought her to consciousness faster than expected and she was in her room within the hour. We did Reiki treatments there, in front of her relatives and friends. And we returned daily for the next two days. Her surgery was on Monday morning, and on Tuesday, she was released to go home, and on Friday she had an examination to see how healing was progressing. The doctor ordered the stitches removed because the tissue had healed and if they weren't removed now, another surgery might have to be performed to release the surgical cords. The attending nurse asked when the surgery was performed, and the girl answered on Monday; the nurse said the healing was on time, that in two weeks, most stitches were removed. The patient responded that not two weeks had gone by, but only 4 days. The nurse and doctor were quite astonished at her recovery time, and commented to the mother about the same. She told the doctor about Reiki being performed, and he said that he was not familiar with it, but that it must be good if it could help healing this much. The young girl sat in on our first degree class the next day, and continued to give herself treatments. Before we left town, we called, and found that the swelling was minimal, the bruising never occurred, and her wires came out before projected dates.

An emergency case that really impresses us about the potential of Reiki is as follows. The daughter of a friend ( he was then second degree Reiki) was thrown from the back of a motorcycle; she slid across the pavement and hit the curb, crushing her cranial sinus cavities. Our friend had his girlfriend (she was also 2nd degree) hunt us down and called us in another state with the request that we send absentee treatments to the daughter. We suggested that she hunt for his Reiki volunteer list and to call all the names and give the minimum information (name, age, name of hospital/city, and condition) to each, asking for additional help with Reiki. Within a couple of hours, there were about 50 people sending Reiki energy to the daughter while she was having surgery. The doctors had to shave a portion of her head, cut and released the scalp (from ear to ear) from the cranium, and peeled back the facial skin to below the nose, and rebuilt the sinus cavity bone structure. They pumped her with antibiotics to prevent infection of sinuses, and said that time would tell. We heard that the girl healed more rapidly than doctors thought possible and that within the first week, the stitches had to come out, and today, there are no scars (other than the one beneath the hair line) and there had never been any infections.

And to help you to understand that these thing do not happen to us alone, here is a story from a student of ours. This student/friend was only second degree when a work associate of hers told of an operation that she was to have. It was elective jaw surgery to correct misaligned teeth placement (similar to the surgery described above). Our student asked if she could do Reiki on her 3 days before surgery, during her stay in the hospital, and for 3 days after she came home. The lady wanted to know what Reiki was, but our student didn't want to challenge the lady's belief system, so just said that it was an energy from God that could possible help the healing process. The lady agreed and the treatments went as described. In the recovery room after surgery, the nurse gave the lady some medication to ease pain, but it was refused because there was no pain. This was offered every couple of hours for the next two days, but always declined as there was no pain. She healed quickly, and gives all the credit for her rapid healing and lack of pain to our student, calling her an angel.

And one more to show the possibilities that exist when one offers Reiki. We were referred to a man in a town; he had a degenerating condition in his spine and bones, and was in constant pain. He had several surgeries, many medications, and finally the medical professionals asked him to not return, as they could do nothing more for him. His condition was worsening, and it affected every aspect of his life: his work, his sleep, his relationship to his family, and his will to live. When we called, he declined our service, saying that he had several alternative treatments of various kinds, and although they helped during treatments, the results would not last more than a few hours. And he said that he did not believe that anything could help; afterall, even the doctors had given up all hope. But strong was our conviction for Reiki, and we offered him four days of treatments, at no charge; if Reiki did not help then we would leave, not charging anything for our time. But if it did help him, then he could donate any amount of money for our service. He could not refuse such an offer. Each day we returned, he described subtle little changes that he experienced, but was not convinced that this would make enough of a difference. However, on the fourth day, he surprisingly admitted that his pain was greatly reduced, he had the best sleep he had in months, and that he could see the benefits of Reiki. He did not want to learn the technique, but rather wanted us to move to his city, and to work on him each day. We explained that we felt more useful out on the road teaching Reiki, and that we could positively touch more this way. We gave him the phone numbers of several of our students who practiced Reiki in the area, but he declined anyone else's help, only wanting us to work on him. We had done all we could do, and we heard that he had died not too many months later. We feel sad that people sometimes limit themselves by not accepting the responsibility for their healing, but we have found that Reiki is never wasted, even if refused. We feel that in a subsequent lifetime, he will once again be drawn to Reiki, and eventually he will remember his contacts with it, and use the knowledge and understanding to make new decisions and choices about the state of his health. Reiki is the Godsend, whether we recognize it in this lifetime or another.

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blue spiral Can one zap your strength or violate your aura?

Many new "energy practitioners" ask this question early on. These topics are as real as you make them to be by your thoughts, words, and actions. The more you put energy into acknowledging, retelling others, and fearing, the more real the lessons become. Here is a brief description that may help you find some inner strength and centeredness.

We are all in a sea of energy on the Earth, and as such, we all share a connection to one another. We have come into physical embodiement, veiled our memories of who(se) we are, and of our wholeness in the collective. We have created "temporary amnesia" so that we could play the game of "What's My Line" as we move through this existence trying to re-discover that we are not seperate personalities/entities, but still one energy field with focused individual trait projections. One of the fastest methods of discovering our connections is (in my/our opinion) to first experience our individual identities and strive to prove to ourselves that 'they' are different. When we have fully immersed ourselves in this belief, and we find ourselves experiencing aloneness, we can then choose to direct our thought projections to fitting in, to being a piece of the larger whole. So this is our re-discover in each incarnation, that we are always 'one energy' and that what happens to one, happens to all equally.

We may not see the results in that way, because we each have a perspective that is different/limited to our own filters/ beliefs. But, it is true, what we put out, we get back; and that goes for everyone. When you throw a pebble into a still pond of water, is not the whole lake affected/moved by the waves?

So, to go back to the point of my story. Ultimately, it is not necessary to protect yourself from others in your auric field, but, if we feel "violated"/negatively affected from that experience, then we must learn how to place a barrier between ourself and others, until we can feel strong and balanced again. But, that also takes you out of "service" temporarily; we believe that when a person voluntarily places themselves in service to humanity's healing, then we open ourselves to others to tap into and draw energy through us for their own balancing.What I suggest would be for you to learn Qi Gong or Tai Chi and to learn to distinguish your energy flow from that of the Universal flow. That would help you to be able to remain focused on being a facilitator/vessel for the energy and not allow your own energy to be diminished. One more thought...when we are in the field of really imbalanced/sick individuals, and especially several in a day, we have found that their scrambled/negative/dense energy gets into and affects our auric fields. So, we recommend that you visualize a column of white light surrounding your body/aura, intentionally make a cutting action with your hands at your solar plexus that would represent your cutting of energy chords that may still be attached after you remove yourself from their fields. And, the most important of all, remember to "shower after each session", or as soon thereafter as reasonable, or at the very least before you go to bed. If you do not shower, your field will go through a process of clearing/purification and it may have the effect on your body as if you had the imbalance/ dis-ease. To get a better idea what this may look like, refer to Barbara Brennan's "Hands of Light".

You are not to get your direction from others...what you need and is best for you, is within. We can however meditate on what others tell us, and to feel how we react/respond to their information. If it feels good/right, then work with it until it changes; if it does not feel good/appropriate to our path, then let it go. Remain detached from the physical realm and treat it as a movie that is showing us where we can grow/heal; we are spiritual beings (knowledgable, aware, conscious of our wholeness) choosing a temporary body to try out our spiritual lessons. This is impermanent; don't dwell on what you experience here; learn and let it go. "The Universe is constantly re-arranging itself to accomodate the manifestation of your picture of reality". It is here that we put our understanding to the test, and then we leave and go back into pure spirit and see how well we did.



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