
Heart Sounds II


Is the number one cause of heart attack (myocardial Infarction or MI). More than six million Americans feel symptoms due to CAD every year. About one and a half million have heart attacks which causes about one third of them to die.

CAD has many forms but all the same cause; the heart doesn't get enough blood and oxygen. Sudden death without prior warning is a tragic symptom of CAD. CAD canalso lead to ANGINA (chest pain) as well as MI. Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, that follows with the narrowing of the arteries is the cause of most of the CAD.

Because our diets contain high cholesterol and saturated fats, these materials cling to the walls of our arteries resulting in Arteriosclerosis. The continual buildup of materials inside the arteries leads to narrowing and blockage of same. This causes a lower amount of oxygenated blood to flow to the heart; therefore, causing Angina (chest pain) during exercise or even at rest. Angina is explained as central chest pain/discomfort such as pressure and /or tightness possibly radiating to the neck, jaw and left shoulder. If one of these arteries becomes blocked, it will limit the amount of blood to a specific region of the heart causing an acute MI.


I became dizzy, short of breath, chest tightness and chest pain (ANGINA), not overly strong but enough to let me know that something was wrong. Went to the Doctor and was admitted to the hospital with an acute MI. Later Cardiac-Catherization resulted in the diagnosis of Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD. This was all the result of junk food diet, smoking and an unrestrained life style with the following results; A triple Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG). I quit smoking and remained smoke free for approximately six month. Riding in a car to a Doctors appointment, I lit a cigarette to prove that I quit and could stop at anytime? Yeah, Right! Don't you ever believe that!. I continued right on smoking. One year later to the day. I had an acute MI in the Doctors office. I was readmitted to the hospital and cardia-catherization revealed the triple CABG had collapsed and was no longer functioning. Due to "coding" during and after the original CABG, I was consered a high risk for any further surgery; therefore, I was placed on numerous medications asnd discharged from the hospital.


Angina is the primary indication of CAD. Angina will cause off and on pain, pressure or discomfort in the mid-chest area. You may also feel angina in the neck, jaw or arm. I wou;ld describe the Angina as a dull ache, numbness or pressure. Some say it feels similar to heartburn or gas. Angina pain is usually felt after exertion or sudden stress. Anginal usually goes away after rest or the use of nitroglycerine tabvlets or spray. Medications such as Betablockers, calcium channel blockers or nitrates are used in an attempt to control angina. Otheer symptoms mat be shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, belching, sweating, nausea and irregular heart beats.

About one fourth of the people that have CAD do not have symptoms. Also the symptoms can be caused by other conditions, so check with your doctor if you are having problems or symptoms.


Electrocardiogram (ECG< EKG)


Stress test (treadmill, different types)


Gated Blood Pool Scan

Personal Observation

I have all of the above tests on numerous occasions. Other than minor (my opinion) discomfort, all of the tests were no problem and nothing to get very excited about. There is a risk as with any test or invasive procedure.

I am not a Doctor nor do I profess to be one. I have no medical degrees of any kind and the information I have provided is just that INFORMATION. Do not take anyones advice but your Doctors. None of the information provided is to be used in leiu of a doctor.

Thank You
Enjoy Life, cause it's to darn short




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Updated 07/26/2000

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