I have fibromyalgia which is a disorder that I have had my whole life. It   is very painful and there is no cure for fibromyalgia, also known as   fibro. Some people say it is like arthritis of the muscles.  But, just like   arthritis, fibro has different degrees of severity.   I was diagnosed with   it in 1988, but like a lot of people with it, I had suffered for a lot of   years before I was diagnosed.  For me, I think the triggering factor for   the bad flaring started when I had a tubal pregnancy on my first   pregnancy.  I just never seemed to feel well again, although back then   I had periods of non-flaring.  The last 6 years have been almost one   constant flare, with the exception of post surgical times.  Then, while I   was recovering from an emergency appendectomy in July of 1998, I   was surfing the web to see if there was anything new on fibro.  It   seemed at every turn the guaifenesin protocol was mentioned and I   finally got up the courage to try it in November of that year.  I   currently am on the guaifenesin protocol developed by Dr. St. Amand.    It is my only hope for remission.  And, it does work.  I have made a lot   of progress on the guia protocol.  It isn't easy, and sometimes it is   quite painful, but fibro is very painful, too.  My daughter, Nicole, who   is 13, was diagnosed with fibro in March of this year. She started the   guai protocol on June 26, 1999.   An update from 12/27/2003:  I haven't been on the guai protocol for a   couple of years now, and I am not any better or worse than before the   guai or while i was on it.  I tried to stay positive about the protocol,   but I got much more relief from going on the Atkins diet than from   being on the guai.  I was doing pretty well on it, but then my twin   sister died in May of 2003, and I have been a wreck ever since.

I like all kinds of animals and I have a sheltie that I just love.  His name   is Lad, after the collie that Albert Payson Terhune wrote about in the   book "Lad A Dog".  It was my favorite book when I was growing up.    When my son, Patrick, who is now 16, was in the 4th grade, he read   the book and did a report on it and got to take Lad to school for a   visual aid.  The class was so happy and he got a "B" on the   report.

We also recently adopted a puppy from the   humane society.  Since he was a stray, no one knows his name but we   named him Muffin.  Another update from 12/27/2003:  My first Lad had to be put to sleep   in November of 2000, he was thought to have cancer.  he was ill, and   all the accidents he was having in the house i thought were from the   puppy, Muffin.  Also, Muffin was attacked by a Golden Retriever from   down the street (i really can't stand people letting their dogs run loose   in a city).  Muffin was on lead, the other dog wasn't and it was a terrible   thing to go through.  Muffin's wounds healed nicely, but he was so   afraid of everything, and when he started biting at us, then we had to   make the decesion to have him put to sleep.  On Dec., 24, 2002, I got   a new sheltie and I named him, you guessed it...Lad. Click on the word links below to go to other places of interest and   more of my site.  Please come back because I will be adding things and   telling more of my story. I had both of my knees replaced on April 15, 2004. I am now a year post op and my surgeon has oked me for taking baths, and if I get down on the floor I have to make sure I hav pillows that I put under each knee to get up with. It took care of the pain in myu knees, but that's it. I still am in a lot of pain and it hasn't reduced my need for pain relief and sometimes, when I am in a lot of pain, I feel like I was cheated because I still need the pain meds and I also have to be careful of how I step, Don't want to go through the complications of what would happen to the implants if I fell. Guess I am still trying to get myself together about how I feel about the implants, although it was either that or not walking at all.
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