Nature Songs ~~~~
September 15, 2000 - A tad cool it was today. The water was a wee bit cooler than I care to have it. It has been cooler all week, but today was even more so. It’s just that when it is colder, I get chilled through and through and it takes me forever and a week to get warmed up. Even spending twenty minutes in the steam room with my back against the warm tiles is not enough to get the chill out of my spine. The pool and filters were backwashed today and that contributed to some of the coldness. The temperature has been lowered for the second class is another reason. Perhaps next week it will be better for those of us that have a problem dealing with coldness and joints. Yes, some of the others actually had blue lips and were shivering through our workout this morning.
Much sickness and discomfort is around the family and neighborhood. Wendy’s grandfather fell at home last week. It was two days before he was found. His son broke the door down to get into the house to help him. He isn’t doing very well at this time and has been moved from the Hospital to Hospice. That brings back memories from the class I took on Seniors and problems that ensue from falls. He is proving to be a classic example of what we discussed.
Tbird’s brother-in-law is in the hospital with some very serious problems and not doing well at this time. Another brother from New York has come down to visit. I’ll keep the children this evening while the family can spend some time together. I think NascarKid will be the only one to spend the night with me.
My cousin that had the surgery for cancer and was in the hospital for such a long time is back in the hospital again. She has had a heart attack and was in ICC for a while. She can’t seem to get back on her feet and going again.
Added to all the sickness that is around with the older generation, the younger ones have been sick, too. BusyKid had to go to the doctor with a virus this week which is very contagious. That means there is a more than good chance that the other little ones will have it, too, since they were together recently. On top of that, DynoKid has to have braces and faces a lot of dental work in the very near future. They are talking about “expanding his palate” giving his teeth more room to grow.
Mother is doing about the same as she was. Seems that the drops are not going to help her a whole bunch. She is able to distinguish colors better, but still does not recognize people, including me.
September 16, 2000 - Excitement is always at a peak when the Olympics begin. This year is no exception. I wonder from year to year how one program can be any better than the last. Yet, each time, something new has been planned which shares the culture of the country hosting the event with all the world. Australia has been one of those countries that I would most like to visit and explore. I have been mystified by much of the things I have learned about the country and it intrigues me. The vastness of the continent and all the cultures that are included from shore to shore would be such a great adventure to get to travel through and taste a little of the life. Books I’ve read in the past only help to whet my appetite to learn more about the land and its people.
Sitting and watching the television from the beginning to the end of the day’s events is a little more than I will commit myself to do. Yet, I kept watching to see what was next from time to time and took time to watch many segments during the evening. The waiting for the end was well worth waiting for. I was interested to see that women were used to carry the torch inside the arena. One of them was actuarially my age! And who would have predicted that the lighting of the torch would take place in the midst of water! Watching the torch as it rose from the fountain of water was breathtaking, however, seeing it ascend the waterfall and then be lifted thirty feet up into the air for all to see was awesome. It may have taken seven years to develop the plans and work out all the kinks, but it was all worth the time and effort to see it all come to life.
Tonight was time to watch the Olympics and feed on the excitement of the moments along with so many others around the world. These athletes are fortunate to have family and friends to support them on their trek to take part in the games. How many of the people watching would be capable of taking part in the events if only they had encouragement and financing to attain the same level of abilities? Speaking for myself, I was never given encouragement to do the very best I was capable of doing. Instead, I generally accomplished what I did in spite of negative comments. I was told many times that “only rich folks do that,” or, “that is just a waste of good time.” I need less than five fingers to count the number of people that encouraged me to strive forward. We all have dreams, but a very small percentage have the open avenue to realize the most realistically.
September 17, 2000 - While Mrs. Tbird and her boys were off to Carolwinds for an end of summer treat yesterday, I was left a long dress to hem for her to wear tonight at church. The choir is doing a special program and she needs the dress for it. Guess I will go and watch the choir as they video a program in order to help raise some fund-raiser money for the church. It will be a very formal affair with the ladies all in black dresses and the gentlemen in tuxedos.
I met my aunt at McD’s this morning as usual before we went to our own church together. I cut Mother’s hair yesterday and gave her a manicure, so maybe I’ll be able to let today slip by without dropping in to sit with her a spell. Then on the other hand, I have a class on herbs tomorrow and I’ll have the boys since it is a teacher’s workday. I probably should stop by to see her on my way to the church for the music program.
My computer is sporting yet another toy. It came in the mail the past week and Wes installed it for me yesterday. It is tooted as an instrument to cut down on time spent surfing and searching for things on the web. With a name like “CAT” how can it not be a toy! It is used to scan UPC codes and in return locates the company on the web for you. Of course, BingoKid was running all through the house collecting UPC codes to scan and see what appeared. He even scanned the bar on the back of the computer. That is one way to get the boys to exercise, I suppose. It brings an awareness of the companies that put out an array of products as well.
Tbird survived three feats of her own yesterday. While driving toward Charlotte, she had to stop to get something from a friend in Newton. She and the boys were singing a song along with a Christian radio station. As she turned a corner, a blue light came on and she was pulled over by a policeman. Seems she was clocked going 51 in a 35 MPH zone. That would be nerve wracking for most, but for her, there was more. She started to look for her driver’s license and remembered that they were in her handbag. She was wearing a fanny-pack to Carolwinds. Her handbag? Back home laying on her bed! That was still not all. Her car registration card was also back home on the bed along with the license.
That sounds like a perfect situation for having the book thrown at you. But, miracles of miracles, that was not the case. The patrolman cautioned her to be more careful and take her time getting to where she was going. (She wasn’t even in a hurry this time.) He reminded her to always carry her important cards with her. With that, he told her to drive carefully, and have a nice day. She was soon on her way with no tickets as a result of her not paying attention to details; not even a warning ticket. Now, for me! That would not have been the case! It makes me think that the patrolman may have thought she had enough punishment having to contend with a carload of boys for the day - who knows for sure!
Feelings are way too easy to wear on our arms at time for all to see. Perhaps mine was yesterday when I was shopping at the grocery store. I’m still pondering what the implication may have been when an acquaintance came up to me and commented, “Are we slumming today, or what?” I was not dressed for business, yet I was not really sloppy (or so I thought), or was she referring to all the folks that were in the store taking advantage of the weekend bargains? The Little Debbie cakes were being snatched up quicker than the stock boy could refill the shelves - at $0.49 a box, limit eight boxes per customer. I was caught off guard and the only answer I could come up with was, “No, I’m just on home turf today.”
This morning at church may not have been much more uplifting for my own spirits. Pure and simple, our Sunday School teacher had not desire to be at church today, much less having to teach. She came, because she had to help with Children’s Church during our regular sermon service. She couldn’t let the children down. I have to believe that the children knew how she must be groping life. They are much too keen on appearances and attitudes to have not picked up on her mood. No, I’m not making a judgmental call about the morning. She informed us in very explicit English how she was feeling and that she had not wanted to come to church. She apologized if she offended anyone, but felt the Lord wanted her to share her feeling with us. She slipped out of the class crying before any of the rest of us could get up from our seats. For some reason, I feel that the Lord would have understood, as would the class and other teachers, if she had only called to say that she was not feeling up to doing the lesson justice today, could she beg off. There were those, including myself, that were affected by her actions and words. They may not have been in the best interest of the church and togetherness.
September 18, 2000 - The boys have been with me so much to Quest over the summer months, that when we went in together this morning, the caretaker in the daycare assumed I still had the identifying tag on my bag which claims them as belonging to me. We had to take time to make a new one for me to use. Meanwhile, at the pool, a new instructor was waiting for us to assemble in the water and begin our session with her. She is on the staff at Phiffer Center in Morganton and is scheduled to work with us a few days a month through the winter months. Her specialty is in the field of Fibromyalgia and Arthritis strength and stretching through water movements. I was impressed with how our class went today and left feeling good.
I didn’t venture very far at the end of the workout. I had signed up for a class today on Herbs (in my quest for learning more.) After my regular duration in the steam room, I collected the boys and proceeded with them into the lounge area for some snacks and a drink before the class began. We took along some magazines for them to look at during our hour in the classroom, but they also listened to the discussion and a time or two offered a question or answer to the amazement of the instructor. She commented on how well they had taken part as we talked afterwards. She also, offered that there is free daycare available for members. I mentioned to her that I had already used up the two hour limit earlier - and that I hadn’t known I would have the boys when I signed up for the program.
This evening there is a special meeting of the Fibromyalgia Support Group at Quest. The speaker is a doctor that specializes in this area of medicine. He is well known as an authority on the subject and no doubt has excellent things to share, but I’m not able to attend. NascarKid was supposed to play soccer in Hudson, but after I got him down there and we waited and waited in a soft rain shower, a call came that the game was canceled. There were six or so players that had driven over from Burke County, and I’m sure they were wishing that the game had been played. The boys were running and playing outdoors as they waited and a little while longer outdoors in the rain would not have bothered them at all. It would save having to shift schedules for a makeup date and another trip driving a half hour to get back, as well. Not to mention the fact that Tbird made a call to the coach before she headed over this way and was assured that yes in deedy the game would be played unless it stormed - there was no storm.
Tbird had planned to come by from school and pick up the boys, but she called to say that she was caught in a traffic snarl that was not moving. Since she was running late, I told her not to worry and I would get him to the soccer field and she could connect with us there. As it turned out, we both arrived at the same time. Right behind us came Wendy and the other two grandsons to watch the game. In the end, I traded NascarKid and DynoKid for BingoKid. His folks came by the house later in the evening and collect him. He is already appealing to me to allow him to spend Friday night here. My house seems to be the most favorite abode to be lately. I enjoy the camaraderie they contribute.
Olympic Games are not a priority with the boys, so I don’t get to watch very much of the action while they are around. They like the games, but their attention span cannot take in hours and hours of watching repetitions of events. They see something done once and they are ready to go off elsewhere for creating their own excitement until something new comes on and meanwhile channel surfing takes them back to cartoons or the computer beacons them to come hither ... As they grow older, I’m sure they will be more aware of the privilege and dedication of earning a spot in the Olympic events.
The rains from the remnants of Hurricane Gordon have reached us. We need the type of rain we are getting. It is a slow and steady type which has a chance to soak into the parched earth around our area. This storm has been much kinder to the coastal region of North Carolina than Hurricane Floyd was a year ago. Many folks have felt fear from remembering what they experienced last year and no doubt will sleep better tonight knowing that the worst is over.
September 19, 2000 - To think that maybe this day will be some sort of routine is too much to hope for. Before I even start the day, I know that it is to be a busy one. Along with the plans in the making, I need to watch for packages in the mail or UPS. I ordered some things earlier and they should be coming any day now. I ordered some swimwear this weekend, but it should be a while before I get it. Online, I was able to order two swimsuits for a fraction of their original cost by allowing the company to send me their choice of color and design. The way that the chlorine is playing havoc with swimsuits, I figure that the style is not all that important to me at this stage of the game. I’m not in a beauty contest. In fact, my better swimsuits are folded in the drawer in my bedroom, not being used at this time. I paid so much for them, I am choosing not to wear them to workout since the chlorine is eating up suit after suit so quickly. The letters written to WalMart and Catalina about carrying suits year-round for our use have yet to be answered. Hello, folks. Where are you? Surely throughout our state and plenty of others, there is a need for swimwear at other times than just the summertime.
This morning is another class following my water workout. This one I am looking forward to. It is another cooking class and covers snack foods that are good for you as well as simple to prepare. Mother said maybe if I pick up enough new ideas, that I can bring her home to live and use some of the things I’ve learned. No, Mother. That will not help any with taking care of the things that need to be done for you. I would need someone living with us around the clock if that were to happen. (Just last night, Mother got out of her bed and was going to turn off her TV. A CNA had to come in to help her back in bed because she couldn’t move by herself. How could I leave her home alone for even the shortest duration!)
Time will be limited for me to bring Ms. Jay by and drop her off at her house following our cooking class. I have an appointment in Hickory at one to have my hair cut. No way am I going to miss another appointment with my hairdresser any time soon. I get me a three dollar lunch special at Burger King on the way to Hickory and munch away on it as I keep one eye on my speed and another on the heavy traffic all around me. I end up saving the sandwich to eat on the way back home since I am mainly thirst. I’ve already taken the taste test of tortilla chips, dips, veggies and banana-strawberry smoothie drink earlier at Q4L.
Hair shorn shorter than usual and much more fatigued than usual, I decide to drop by and visit with Mother for a short time while I’m out and not have to leave the house once I make it home. Could it be that not sleeping would be affecting how I feel? Close to five this morning, I had yet to snooze any for the night. I dropped off at some point after that because when the phone rang, it woke me shortly after seven. I get to the center in time to take Mother down to the dining room to play her weekly bingo game. That gave me a better chance to slip away without staying so long. In a very short time, I was headed home to rest.
Somewhere in the midst of trying to keep busy and active, there is a sadness. Perchance it is the fact that fall is here. I could come straight out and say that I am depressed. I have feelings of loneliness and being worthless. Many times I have thoughts of wanting to do “something” and being overwhelmed by the fact that I can’t do things like I used to be able to do. It is time for a change. I know not what that change may be. I have decided to take a year off from the Quilter’s Guild. This has been an unproductive year for quilting, and with everything in an upheaval as it waits to be put in some sort of order in the yet to be organized craft room, I can only admit defeat. The same is true with other areas of my lifestyle as well. My house and yard are far from the neatness I desire. My relationships are at an all time low. There are some things on schedule for the future, but how I will be interacting with others at the appropriate times is likely to be less than I desire. More and more, I am withdrawing from others. I am sharing less of myself. I have so little to offer and what I have is not what others need or want. Looking back on Saturday, I probably was slumming - hair shaggy, no makeup, workout clothes donned. I didn’t look my best.
September 20, 2000 - The Land of The Throwaway Animals. That appears to be what a fraction of America has become. Where has the sentiment of responsibility and compassion of existence slipped away to be shroud in disguise? Is there no consciousness of remorse or sympathy for the deprivation or misfortunes placed on the value of any existence, be it human or not humanistic? Do diverse countries have related massive problems as we seem to be bearing? There is a lack of purpose and planning with the purchase of an animal on occasion. An effort to extend living presents on those who prefer not to take on the task expected of them leads to horror stories to be told of the thrown-away animals. Some tales are never known, since they occur away from anyone that would give the animal a second thought. Some are left to fend for themselves with free range of reproducing more and more unwanted offspring. The Animal Shelters of the nation overflow with the remnants and the unwelcome duty of ridding the country of a pet gone wrong - way wrong.
I have one of those misfits of lifestyle in my household now. Oreo lived for six years elsewhere in another state. The time came that his owners no longer had need of him. He was in the way of their progress and living arrangements. He was one of those turned into a shelter, registration papers and all. My daughter learned of him and decided he would be a good companion for me. He is not a “Mutt.” He is a full pledged papillon and was purchased at a huge price according to his papers. We got him for only fifty dollars. He has been a purchase that was planned with a guarantee to guardianship him from now on. He is officially a member of the household. He will be cared for, nurtured, loved, pampered and all that good stuff for as long as he has here on this earth. Any decisions made for him will be only for his comfort and needs.
All of these thoughts have been brought to the surface by an uncaring, hoodlum-type person or persons this past weekend. They came like a shadow down our road and chose our driveway to stop and do their ghastly deed. They were seen in spite of their attempt at being secretive. There was a description of the automobile. The result of this act left a small black puppy sitting alone in the roadway as they drove off to their Utopia without him. He had been cared for you could tell from his shiny black coat and the two flea collars he sported. If these people had any sense of responsibility or respect for life even if this was an unwanted animal, they could have at least taken it to the local shelter instead of leaving it to fend for itself, or cause someone else to make a decision about how best to take care of the puppy.
He is a very smart and lively animal that adapts to his new surroundings quite quickly. He chose to stop at the first house on our driveway, meaning that Ms. Jay is the one to struggle with what action to take for the well being of the puppy. Each day he remains at the house, the harder it will be to send him on. It is difficult sending him to a possible death sentence at the shelter. Then again, he is small enough, he may find a home. That is an iffy question to have to call, in regard to turning it over to the shelter. On the other hand, she has one dog already. A dog that she cares for and tends to its needs. Often times, one dog is enough when you consider the expense of caring for one. She has asked around trying to find a home for it, but so far, there it is. It sits on her front porch and waits for the times she is outdoors, when he follows each step she makes around the house, tugging at her heartstrings.
September 21, 2000 - The first day of fall has the appearance of an early spring day. The rain has brought back the green grass which has been brown for much of summer. The water lever is below the normal level for the year which adds to the overall shortage of the past several years. The sky has been cleansed of the smog as the sun burns through the clouds. The air is neither too warm nor too cool. It is time to begin thinking and planning for having to dress for the cooler weather ahead.
Mother is not her usual self these past few days. She has that cough that has been coming and going off and on all through the summer. Yesterday, it was about lunchtime before she got out of bed and then, she wore her gown for the remainder of the day. At least she is dressed today. Her talk has been about being with Dad. She repeatedly lets me know that my cousin allowed her brother (Mother’s ) to die at home and that she is homesick. There is little that I can do to change the way things are for us. Life is not always the way that we intend it to do. There comes a time that we have to be able to let loose of life as we know it. This is one of those times.
Ouch! The Olympics this summer will go down in history as having a major faux pas. Only after several of the lady gymnasts made major errors on the vault, was it noted that it was not the proper height. Someone had not checked beforehand. There was much scurrying around and routines changed because of the problem, but those that were most affected will always wonder what it would have been like for them if all had been corrected before the event began. It had to change the total outcome of the whole process. The attitudes of many of those affected show how much sadness they feel as a result. The ages to come will always hold a question, “What if?”
I have decided that the swimming competition is my favorite of all the events. That would have been the one event that I would love to have taken part in. My choice would be synchronized swimming. That is one of the events that is no longer shown on television. What a pity. It is such a beautiful program to watch, but most folks go more for the speed competitions. This day and age, faster is better and the events that bring more people together to watch and cheer.
I used my new programmable disk to download the mini book on the Olympics this evening and signed up to receive two more mini books on the events. The book I recorded today has the three Olympic mascots which I can save for years to come. It’s neat all the things that are available this day and age.
Ready? Set? Go! Now is the time to begin turning around the tide of events and think positive. Enough of the dreary side of life. There are happy events to think of and savor. What it is, I have to search for. When I find it, then I can record the results. Yes, I’m really thinking and trying. It will come.
Perhaps beginning with the Q4L pool will be a good start. For the past week, the water has been on the cool side of life. It has caused many of us to come out of our session with teeth chattering. We are not as young as we once were and our bodies respond differently through the years. Cool water plays havoc with us. I was surprised to learn how many of the other ladies were bothered by the water. Keeping a record here will help me to look back and be able to say what temperatures were the best for us.
Wednesday’s temperature was 87 degrees which was the warmest of the week.
Thursday’s temperature was a mere 85 degrees. We asked that it be warmed up for us. Our hopes are that it will be warmer tomorrow.
It sounds as if the abandoned puppy will have a chance for a new and loving home. Someone is interested in him. I would play the sucker and take him in if it weren’t for the fact that I already have three dogs to tend to and I’m less than able to train a new puppy in the ways of proper behavior. My own dogs seem to be training me at times. Charlie had to let me know while I was talking on the phone this morning that his water bowl needed to be refilled. He was scratching his food bowl, but there was food in it. I knew that it had to be his water that he needed. I went in search of the bowl and found it close to the doggy door.
Continued ~ Page four
©2000 by Stormy Jeanne