What does a lymphoma survivor look like?

Photo taken a few months after Bruce's
diagnosis with non-hodgkin's lymphoma.

After Bruce was diagnosed, my parents wanted to "do" something for him. Not knowing what else they could do, they decided to send us on a cruise to Alaska. As enjoyable as the cruise was, NO trip is worth having cancer for! However, since Bruce "did" have cancer, it sure was a nice diversion!

Taken during Bruce's first battle with NHL.

We read that excercise is good for the immune system, and we also wanted something to help Bruce keep up his strength while undergoing chemo.. So, he took up bicycling!

Taken during Bruce's first remission.

When you've battled cancer, you learn to appreciate some of the simpler things in life. Things like the peace & tranquility of a lake, during the early morning hours.

Photo taken 3 years into Bruce's
second battle with lymphoma.

This photo was taken in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Little did we realize at the time that, within a few months, Bruce's lymphoma would turn very aggressive!

The calm between storms.

This photo was taken during the calm in between two storms. Bruce had recently gone through a very difficult time with his NHL being extremely aggressive (it was "somewhat" back under control when this pic was taken), but he hadn't yet been hospitalized with life-threateningly low blood counts.

Go here to see what a survivor looks
like after 15 years of living with NHL.
Photos taken May 19, 2001

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