Thank you Tammy, for such a wonderful site.

Here's a good story for ya! I am a stepmom to two. One day I decided to go through all of my stepchildren's clothes that their daddy and I have bought for them and pack half of everything for them to take over to BM 's house, to help her till she gets back on her feet, because BM lost her job and had no money, also we made a deal with BM that she'd supply what ever is needed for the children at her house from then on and BM agreed.

So about 2 1/2 months later the children came to me and explained that they have NO clothes over at their BM 's, that the stuff I had sent over for them didn’t fit them anymore. Well I knew this stuff couldn’t fit them still, considering they had outgrowing there clothes here and we had bought new clothes for them last month. So very socked I asked, what do you mean, have you told your mom this? They said yes, we went and told mom that nothing fits and mom said, well YOU haven't bought any new clothes for us for her house yet. "What?" So when my husband confronted BM about the deal we made with her and my god what is she thinking, how does she figure that I, me, the stepmom is suppose to be supplying BM money for her children? BM say's " Oh, ah, I forgot. Oh I will get them some new clothes before they come for their next visit.

Keep in mind this BM does NOT pay child support! It is amusing how we, the SP's become primary care giver's to our SK's without ever asking for this responsibility and do it with great pleasure, but then we get badmouthed for taking such great care of them. Anyway, Tammy stay strong and remember you are not alone, there are a lot of us SM's out here living with insecure, jealous, ungrateful, demented BM's!

S. M.