Enrica and Pietro

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Enrica and Pietro... We've known on July 14th,1968, got married on December 26th, 1970... I was 21, Enrica 19... in 1973 we already had three children: Valerio, Paola, Chiara.. 31 years together... We just can't complain...


From left to right: Enrica, Ted, Pietro, Davide (Paola's b/f), Charles, Paola, Valerio, Chiara.

November 1993... All of us... Our cousin Ted, born in USA and living in Virginia, and his friend Charles, NC, had visited us. They stayed only one day but it was great and funny. We'd never met before... Ted's grandparents had emigrated to US in 1908. He was so happy and, meanwhile, moved to meet relatives, to see the house and places of his Italian "roots".
A big "family" ours, spread in Italy, USA (Mass, VA, CA, FL), Argentina... Many of our American cousins already visited us here and some will... They are a good lot... Enrica and I and our children keep in touch with them all... "Blood is not water"... They have been inviting us visit them for years... Maybe one day we will shortly...


Valerio, our older son, and his Dannatarock band... my passion for music must have been infectious... Valerio is a pretty skilful guitar player and a good singer...and just think, his band perform most of those songs I used to play and sing when I was 20: Beatles, Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Eagles... He takes it just as a hobby, actually he works in computer graphic...


Paola, the older of our two daughters,loves music as well. She & Enrica, my wife, have been singing in choirs, including mine of course. She left university, after two years, to become a fantastic pastrycook.
Paola loves her job (me too: yummy, yummy!.. LOL), though hard and challenging: she's been getting up at 4 am each day for three years, including Sundays, Xmases, Easters...

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Chiara, our youngest: a very happy-go-lucky, generous girl. She works in a nursing home but has also volunteered for 7 years, as ambulance driver, at a nearby Emergency. Chiara loves pets (cats and dogs): had we allowed her, our house would be full of them.

Our children still live with us. None of them has got married yet and don't seem to be in a hurry (they certanly have their sweethearts)... I guess the reason is Enrica, being such a caring, prompt mom... and what a cook!