Excerpts of "Words From Jesus"

The original  messages can be found at the "Words from Jesus" web site.

Welcome to this site. 

The excerpts are from messages that Jesus reportedly shares through interior  locutions. The messages contain future events of prophecy and for everyone to live by God's law, the Commandments and to live the gospel.  The excerpts is to bring attention to topics of interests.

  If you love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15)



Sometimes there is a kind of  "sticker shock" when reading the messages and you may loose the meaning.  So by having excerpts is an aid to help keep focus on a topic and feel Our Lords mercy and love come through, for it is interwoven throughout all the words. 

After reading the excerpts, I would suggest  reading the original messages in it's entirely, the way Our Lord Jesus shared it.   

My people, I send these messages with words of love and as you move into this time of Lent and you receive these ashes it is another reminder that each soul is formed from the dust of the earth and each speck of dust is the shining light of My love. (February 23 2004)


Complete Messages:


