Below is a list of frequently asked questions and some important definitions

What is a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare?

This is a legal document that allows you to give a significant other or a friend the rights to carry out your wishes whit regard to your healthcare. This tells the physicians that they must follow those wishes or face legal consequences.

What is a Living Will? This is another term for a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare.

Does this require an Attorney? NO! You do not have to have an attorney complete this form (unless you want to pay more money)

What is an agent? This is the person that you decide to have make your medical decisions.

How much Does It cost? Attorneys $200-$400, Paralegals $75-$150, Computer programs $75-100, Self help books $75-$100, Legalease only $25

How long is it good for? Indefinitely. This document is good as long as you want it to be and can be revoked ONLY by you at anytime.

What do those medicalterms mean?

Intubation- The placement of an artificial breathing tube into your lungs

Chest compressions- The physical act of appling repeated and fast compressions on your chest in order to attempt to get your heart beating again.(many times this results in broken ribs in the elderly)

Organ/tissue Donation- The donation of various organs of your body after you have passed away for the purpose of giving someone a new organ such as a kidney, liver, heart or eyes.

Medications- This encompasses the use of narcotics to relieve pain and suffering in your last hours. This also includes a less non invasive method of trying to get your heat or lungs to try to work again.

Comfort care- The use of IV fluids to prevent a slow, painful death from dehydration or malnutrition.

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