Name: Lana
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Iridescent white, with a mood streak
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 102
Notable features: Mood streak; butterfly tattoo on ankle;
elf ears; freaky black light eyeballs
Parents: Jo Mama and Joe Daddy
Siblings: Jolene; Christine
Home planet: Veridian
Current planet: Aerith
Occupation: Jedi apprentice and Sailorsenshi
Attire: a deep purple cloak; knee high black leather boots
; black leather strap across shoulder; indigo sleevless midriff
, indigo shorts that match; and a purple leather belt ; an
amethyst gem in the middle of her forehead;
Jedi weapon: 2 Black light Lightdaggers
Weapon of choice: double moonrakers
Jedi Master: help wanted.....well, not the kind she really needs..
Special powers: Ability to use the Force; the power to
transform into a sailorsenshi, by using the Smiley Crystal;
the ability to levitate; elven healing and resurrection powers;
Fighting style: "Street!"
Non-Jedi weapons: double moonrakers

"OH she fell in the toilet again..." -Lukey

"Oops, they dropped another one.(cheerleaders)" -Lana

"Daria" -lukey

"Diareha!" -Lana

"I knew you were gonna say that." -Lukey

"You set me up didn't you?!" -Lana

*This profile was filled out by Lana