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I began my own quest for health many years ago (more than I care to admit too) despite my biological age I am always mistaken for being much younger (one of the perks )   Since then I have been on a mission to share the knowlege and the awareness that I have acquired (from so many resources) over the years with people like myself who are committed to experiencing their life at an optimum level of health and well being.  The most important point that I would like too impress upon you is that we do have a choice , a life altering choice;  The choice  to degenerate or to regenerate on a daily basis.  Despite my own committment to health I have choosen both at different points during my lifetime, so I certainly don't claim to be the epitome of perfect healthy living.  I have however  choosen to  live a life style that  for the most part promotes health of mind, body and spirit.   It really is just a matter of choice.

Approximately 20 years ago I was graced with the teachings of Clinton Lockert who taught me both hatha yoga and techniques of meditation.   It was an honor to learn these  ancient arts of asanas  and of mental enlightenment from a master so willing to share his knowledge and expertise.  It truly changed my life and my body.  I will forever be in his debt for this and it is in large part because of him  that I too have choosen to share the knowlege of self enpowerment that yoga and meditation brings to your life.

I would also like to extend my infinite graditute, love & appreciation to my best friend Scott Benton who not only has blessed my life with his friendship and unconditional love but who so graciously ordained himself  as  the webmaster of this site. 

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Lady of Spirit
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