This artical ran in the Sacremento Bee on November 02, 2001. Please read it and pray with me that it will help Vartan's cause.

Whatever Happened To Vartan?


This artical ran in the Sacremento Bee on April 19, 2000. Please read it and pray with me that it will help Vartan's cause.

A Labor of Love

Dear Friends,

Vartan made the Yerevan-London-San-Francisco trip very well. Even though there was a 20 hours major delay in London, and instead of 2, the trip took three days, Vartan was fine when he arrived here. Tired of course. Vartan recognized me in the airport; this was the most glorious moment for me. I had heard from my family his sight had recovered but that's one thing to hear and another, to witness.

Last Thursday March 30th, I drove Vartan and the family (Vartan's grandmother, mother and younger brother) to CareMeridian in Elk Grove, Sacramento. It was a nervous and scary drive for me; thank God, everything went fine.

Vartan arrived to CareMeridian weighing 105 pounds, his height is 6 feet 3'. Vartan has already gained 6 pounds; today morning he weighed 111lb. This is great. the CareMeridian staff is doing everything possible for Vartan; his therapists and nurses are learning Armenian. The night nurse is sure that Vartan understands English too.

Vartan was visiting here with me a couple of years ago and he picked up the language quite easily and quickly. He used to watch some movies in English before the accident. He has not forgotten it!

Vartan's weight was identified by the CareMeridian staff as his primary problem at the moment. The other major problem is the granulation and the trach. Vartan needs a laser surgery which cannot be done at CareMeridian. I must find the hospital and the surgeon and the payment for this operation. The CareMeridian staff will help with referrals.

The third major problem is the muscle contracture in Vartan's extremities. Physical, occupational and speech therapists are working with Vartan. The first two weeks will be mostly spent on evaluations; that is in a couple of more days we'll know more about Vartan's rehabilitation program.

Thanks to Pastor Stephen Muncherian of San Francisco and Pastor Jay Stevans and Pastor Ruben Khazarian of Sacramento Vartan's family has a host family to stay with and carpool to visit Vartan everyday 10am-9pm.

The family and I are still fighting to come up with the payment for the next month and for the surgery. Your prayers and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I Want To Live

Vartan B. Hakobyan Jr.

I have been fighting between the light and dark worlds for a whole year and two months. I want to live. Please help.

Vartan V. Hakobyan Jr. was injured in a car accident on February 2, 1999. Medical errors complicated his condition even more. Vartan fell into a coma. During the May of ?99 he gradually emerged from coma and has been in a slow process of recovery with many set backs caused by inadequate level of medicine in his home country, Armenia.

Now Vartan is coming to California, U.S. for medical treatment. He still needs 24 hours care and is accompanied by his mother, grandmother and younger brother. Dr. Armen Manukian of the Children?s hospital in Yerevan, Armenia will be with Vartan on the airplane during this lengthy trip. Vartan will be in CareMeridian, Sacramento March 29 to April 29.

This April 29 Vartan?s father would have turned 45. The earthquake of December 7, ?88 took him to the better world where finances no longer matter. Vartan?s family has paid in cash for medical treatment since February ?99. They are drained. Please help Vartan to continue his medical treatment in the U.S. Vartan needs a laser surgery for his granulated trachea, surgeries and intensive rehabilitation therapy for muscle contractures, perhaps a shunt. Vartan communicates with facial expressions and eye contact.

If you are a doctor or know people and organizations that might help, please contactVartan?s family .

If you?d like to make a contribution, please send it to Vartan?s trust account at:

The Armenian Gospel Mission, Inc.
75 N. Venido Street
Pasadena, CA 91117-0727
Telephone: 626-744-3221
Please write on your check: For Vartan Hakobyan

Thank you for your attention to this tragic matter.

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