02/28/01 - New news editorials added. Test II is over!

02/16/01 -
New news editorials added. Photos/bios section updated. Now only people in the current Class of 2004 are listed.

02/15/01 -
New links are added and Tests and Breaks are listed for easy convenience.

02/13/01 -
"Another Bites the Dust" is removed. Articles of this type will never more be allowed here.

01/15/01 -
New CUES class information added. Still waiting to find out more about class schedules and breaks.

01/10/01 -
New layout created for more visual appeal. Links updated.

12/15/00 -
New QPE scores posted.

08/23/00 -
New officers and other small corrections & enhancements made.

05/27/00 -
Deboshis Tosh assists in web site updates and uploading pdf material.

12/05/99 -
Class photos and bios added as information received by email pours in.

10/13/99 -
UMKC Med School Class of 2004 Web Site emerges on the web.
CUES Class
Just a reminder that spiritual histories are due this Friday. Also, if you have not yet set up a Spiritual On-Call Date, please contact course coordinator Darci Graves ASAP.
Clinical Correlatives
The test is this Thursday at 5PM. There are only 50 questions. Make sure to check out the pulmonary answers link to get the packet's answers.
Steven Schaefer
Vice President
Julia Nangia
Christine Pham
Maria Silva
Social Director
Amit Verma
Community Services
Alicia Haywood
Pathology Test 2
The Pathology TestII is done with. Overall, the class did not do as well on this test as they did on Test I. The class average was a 75% with the highest grade being an 88 and the lowest being a 55. The review has yet to be scheduled. Also note Test I Challenges have been accepted. You have a possibility of gaining up to 4 points.
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