pedophilia \pE-d&-'fi-lE-&\ n [NL] (ca. 1906) : sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)
Child pornography, child molestation, and sexual attraction to children are serious problems affecting millions of people. Many people are survivors of abuse and are trying to make sense of what happened, overcome its effects, and lead a happy life. Others have committed abuse, and either continue to abuse, or seek ways to stop their behavior. Yet others have not committed abuse, but find themselves sexually attracted to children and struggle to control their impulses so no children will be hurt.
The purpose of this site is to help people come to a better understanding of pedophilia and child sexual abuse, and what can be done to deal with these issues.
WARNING: The contents of this website could be very triggering. If you don't feel ready for open talk about sexual abuse or sexual attraction to children, please consider not reading any further at this time.
Facts About Child Sexual Abuse
Preventing Myself From Abusing a Child