a purple mermaid



Welcome to my graphics and HTML pages!

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My HTMLI Lessons

Week 1~~Basic HTML

Week 2~~Adding Images

Week 3~~A Simple Table

Week 4~~Tables

Week 5~~Adding Links

My PSPI Lessons

Main Index

Week 1~~Width & height Attributes

Week 2~~Compression, Effects, Framing and Screen Capture

Week 3~~Tools

Week 4~~More Tools

Week 5~~Even More Tools

Week 6~~And Even More Tools


HTML II Lessons

Week 1~~About Me

Week 2~~Tables

Week 3~~Forms & Guestbook

Week 4~~Frames

Week 5~~Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Week 6~~Javascript


PSP II Lessons

Week 1~~Understanding Web Graphics

Week 2~~Optimizers & Layer Effects

Week 3~~Raster Image Selections

Week 4~~Tube & Brush Tip Creations

Week 5~~Filters & Deformations

Week 6~~Image Editing Using Filters


CSS Lessons

Week 1~~Intro to CSS, inline styles, font and text properties and browser differences

Week 2~~Linked and Embedded

Week 3~~Lists, Classes and ID's, DIV and SPAN tags

Week 4~~Boxes and Backgrounds

Week 5~~More Properties and Positioning

Week 6~~Printing-based Style Sheets and Aural Style Sheets


PSP 6~~~Advanced Techniques

Week 1~~Masks

Week 2~~Vector Graphics

Week 3~~Animation Shop

Week 4~~Photo Editing

Week 5~~Photo Editing, Part 2

Week 6~~Alpha Channels, Splitting Channels and Mask Effects