Date:                         Sat 22 Jul 2006.   Taper week for PBIM2006

Target:                      12.5 km = 10 laps Damai at 6:1 ratio, target pace pace 10:15 per lap

Actual:                      12.5 km = 10 laps Damai at 6:1 except final lap nonstop.

Timing:                                   lap km     split km  lap time  split time

                                   Lap 1    1.25         1.25         9:49         09:49

                                   Lap 2    1.25         2.5           9:18         19:07

                                   Lap 3    1.25         3.75         9:18         28:25

                                   Lap 4    1.25         5              10:00       38:25

                                   Lap 5    1.25         6.25         9:33         47:59

                                   Lap 6    1.25         7.5           10:01       0:57:59

                                   Lap 7    1.25         8.75         9:06         1:07:05

                                   Lap 8    1.25         10            9:01         1:16:06  * fastest lap

                                   Lap 9    1.25         11.25       10:16       1:26:22

                                   Lap 10  1.25         12.5        9:12         1:35:34.  Not a 10 lap record.  10 Jun better

Pace:                         7:39/ km average.

Time of run:             6:20 am

Route:                       Damai loop.

Weather:                  Cool, excellent wind from North.  Perfect run weather.

Calburn:                    889 approx

Postrun Wt:             Dunno

Shoes:                       Brooks Vantage 2.  Accumulated = 130 km.

Mindtune:                Can’t recall.


Comments:  Three experiments in this LSD:  increased LSD run walk ratio from 5:1 to 6:1, thinking it would lead to better timing.  I also used the repeating timer on the Timex Ironman to sequence the walk breaks.  Last experiment was inclusion of Acceleration Glides as described by Galloway.  One permanent change adopted was Vaseline application to minimize groin chafing, this worked wonders during the Seremban Half.


Results of experiments: 

6:1 ratio:  higher run ratio doesn’t necessarily mean faster time.  This run was 1 min slower than previous 10 lapper at combination of 8:2 & 9:1 ratio.  Moreover, 10 Jun run more consistent, doing sub 10 minutes for 9 out of 10 laps, with record lapper at final lap (still have reserve energy).  Thus, for PBIM2006 I will go back to 5:1 ratio. 

Timer:  timer feature really helpful to take out the distracting mental calculations especially later during the run.  This will be used in again in PBIM2006.

Acceleration Glides:  This was done at the Damai Tadika corner.  Going downhill approaching flat section, accelerated to high speed/ high effort level, then reaching flat section, decreased stride length and just glided thru with high rpms.  This was done maybe 3-4 times throughout the run.  Interesting to find that without much effort, was able to maintain momentum for quite a distance.  Imagine that with more form improvement, could probably extend momentum for longer still. 


Postrun:   Satisfied, but somehow didn’t feel as “high” as previously.  Hmm…  As LSDs > 10k are concerned, this is third fastest after PJhalf (7:25 / km pace) & Jun 10 run (7:32 / km).  No major foot problems post run, seem to be normal aches.


Postrun + 2 days:  morning heart rate 63 bpm.  No major foot problems.  Taper week in effect, will run 6k easy this evening, 5k easy run on Wednesday.  Th, F & Sa will carbo load.  Su is D-Day.  Still no news of group participation of Motorunrs.


Characters:   Boxing uncle, Pakcik Guard.  One long stride guy going for 1 round of Damai Hill.