Date:                         Sun 6 Aug 2006.   Restart base training for Putrajaya Half.  OLDER.

Target:                      16.25 km = 13 laps Damai at 5:1 ratio, target pace 10:00 per lap

Actual:                      16.25 km = 13 laps Damai at 5:1 except final lap nonstop.

Timing:                                   lap km     split km  lap time  split time

                                   Lap 1    1.25         1.25         10:02       10:02

                                   Lap 2    1.25         2.5           9:47         19:49

                                   Lap 3    1.25         3.75         9:10         28:59

                                   Lap 4    1.25         5              9:25         38:24

                                   Lap 5    1.25         6.25         8:59         47:23

                                   Lap 6    1.25         7.5           9:31         0:56:54

                                   Lap 7    1.25         8.75         9:11         1:06:05

                                   Lap 8    1.25         10            9:23         1:15:28

                                   Lap 9    1.25         11.25       9:34         1:25:02

                                   Lap 10  1.25         12.5         10:07       1:35:09

                                   Lap 11  1.25         13.75       9:36         1:44:45

                                   Lap 12  1.25         15            9:34         1:54:19

                                   Lap 13  1.25         16.25       8:14         2:02:32

Pace:                         7:32/ km average.  (Note need 7 :09/km for 2 :30 21k)

Time of run:             6:20 am

Route:                       Damai loop.

Weather:                  Cool, nice wind from east.  Good run weather.

Calburn:                    1148 approx

Postrun Wt:             Dunno

Shoes:                       Brooks Vantage 2.  Accumulated = 187 km.

Mindtune:                Shakira.


Comments:  Experiment today is new run outfit:  3/4 length pants still satisfying aurat requirement.  Also shorten the target pace to 8 km/min = 10 min per lap, because doable.  Keep the acceleration glides from previous LSD.  Quite uneventful except for the short stop in lap 10 to reposition the left feet in the shoe, friction with the overused socks created a blister at the shoe’s problematic spot.


Another observation is that rewater shouldn’t be too much, or will get side stitch.  Shouldn’t keep sipping during the walk break, just two sips per walk break, and keep remaining water for next walk break.


All in all, a good LSD at excellent pace, not to slow and not too fast.  Consistently doing a sub-10 except for 1st lap warmup and 10th lap shoe problem stop, and of course the final pulun lap.  At the end, still enough reserves to push final lap nonstop at good pace.


Postrun:   Functional.  Stretched, recarboed.  In the afternoon went to Sg Wang’s World of Sports to register for Mizuno Wave Run, possibly the last run of this year.  Entry fee was RM30.


Postrun + 1 day:  morning resting heart rate doing 63 bpm.  Good.  This week have to run Monday & Wednesday to avoid conflict with nachtly conference calls on Tuesday and Thursday.


Characters:   Uncle with the dog, Auntie with the dog, uncle with the umbrella, Pakcik Guard.