February 8, 2002 Hello world~! Gosh golly gee does time fly by quickly. It was just yesterday that I decided to update my website weekly and here a month and 8 days have just flown right by. So what Have I been up to since then...well Scrapbooking of course. And buying a house and taking care of two in diapers....yap yap yap the list goes on. Actually, my life has been all consummed with switching to a new company. As much as I tried to prepare myself, I lost some customers. To be expected of course, but it still stings a bit. The best I could do was to refer them to another consultant. Good customer service is the best gift I can give. I love my new company. It offers me so much more in terms of freedom, creativity and exploration. I got a shipment of Coluzzle templates. I'm having so much fun learning how to "cheat" and cut. I'm booking classes and my website is up and running. I have a shopping cart for online secure shopping. You may have noticed I haven't linked anything. I really just want to talk about it without feeling like I'm trying to get people to explore. If you know me, then you know what I'm up to, if you dont' then read about it here, but don't feel pressured to check it out. Just know that it's a huge part of my life and I probably will mention it now and then. As for the house, well, I'm really trying to keep it together. It's just been pure madness. If you've been reading all along, then you will know that this has been an ongoing issue and I stress the word iSSUE for the last year. There's tons of work that needs to be done, paperwork is driving me insane and my husband is stressed out too. I'll write more about it later. My youngins are AWESOME! Nickolas is wonderful, smart and ALL BOY! He loves his trucks and can make the vvvrruuummm sound before he can talk. For his first b-day, we gave him a box of balls. All shapes and sizes. Now everything's baaaaaah. Madison is battling the last of her 2 year mollars. SHe is also becoming more and more independant. The other day, she was sitting on Kevin's chair and had a stack of books in her lap. SHe was looking at the pages, and talking out loud about what was on the pages. I happend into the room just as she was talking about how Pooh was dancing. Love her! I promise to make more of an effort to stay in touch. AND post some updated pictures. B Round 2 Okay, so I tried to clean up my site a bit and correct all the broken links. Especially my archives. Yikes what a pitiful attempt to journal my weightloss and life! So, maybe a bit late, my 2002 resolution is to journal a bit more. DIet wise, well I'm attempting to go to the gym three times a week. I'm also taking Diet Fuel, but have plans to go see my doctor for a perscription diet medication. I'm painfully aware that I could loose the weight if I tried a bit harder, but, I'm also honest enought to know by now that it's just not going to happen without some help. My life is just way to chalked full of distractions and downfalls to stay focused and motivated. I need to build momentum and so I'm getting some help with it. As for Life, well there's a hell of a lot more going on then i'm letting on. My calander is chalked full of stuff and seems like I've got lots of balls to juggle. I need to slow down and think Im going to do just that. I want to get to the gym more, and I want to spend time on decorating my house, playing with my children and scrapbooking. Too much going on to do what I really want to do. |