Thanks to all who come here and who have given me feedback.
Well, I just want to welcome you all to the page.  I have done a lot within the last couple of months.  I have many one shot fics, some long, some short.  I have a Guest Writer's page which is filling up nicely.

Right now all my fanfiction is mostly pro Ranma and Akane.  I can't help it, I like them together.  I'm not one for writing dark fics, so most, if not all, the one shots tend to end on an upnote.  I enjoy many different Animes and plan on writing some non-Ranma fics. Right now I'm most interested in, Gundam Wing,
Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop and Dragon Ball Z.
So I hope you enjoy my page.  :)

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To Turn Off the Music please scroll down below the What's New part of the page.

Feedback?  Then e-mail or go to my Feedback Page.
"Avarice, envy, pride,
Three fatal sparks, have set the hears of all On Fire."
-Dante Alighieri,-The Divine Comedy
Quote of month
    What's New


nothing new for now

Old news:
I have started to post some stories on

Sorry about the long updates, life gets in the way sometimes

That's all for now, hope you enjoy!

RJ's Ranma 1/2 Directory
A litle Prayer
God grant me the
Serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can...
and the
Wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed when they pissed me off.
I am have now started a guest writer's page.  So if you want to have some of your work posted, then click here for details.
and was updated on 7/23/04
This site was born on 2/27/00
Feedback Polls
Feedback Forms
Send any feedback to me about anything.
I want to hear from you!
Short stories
One Shots
Character Intros
A quick run down
of the main characters
Fan Art
Credits Page
Epic Stoies
Guest Writes

The music is Rythem Emotion from Gundam Wing
You are Visitor #
© 2000 to RJ. None of my stories or characters shall be used in no other
place with out the concent of RJ.

Ranma 1/2¨ and its Characters are Copywrited  to Romiko Takankashi. THis
work is stricktly non-profit enjoyment for fans. No Copywrite infringements
are intended.