The National Coalition Party
My grandfather William Stålhammar changed my family name to Sareela around year 1930.
Antti Sareela's homepage
Fair Centre Pirkkahlli Finland 2003
Kunnallisvaalit Antti Sareela  2008
VaaliVikia Tampere
Hi there! Welcome to my homepage
Minna Anttila
I signed up on 08.12.1998. The page has been updated 20.9.2008
My WebCam program is 
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Audi 90 pictures
Leguan with joskey wheel
My work
Leguan 125 4WD
Leguan Lifts Oy
I have been working for Leguan Lifts Oy (Avant Tecno Group) Inc since 1st of March 2001.
I am a sales manager and my operation area is Finland. The company's main products, Leguan Lifts, are sold in more than 20 countries.
leguans homepage
Photography is one of my hobbies.  I have Sony DSC-F828 (year 2004) and Samsung Digimax 410 digital Camera (year 2003).  Samsung was my third digital camera. Before that I had Sony DSC-P50 digital camera (2001) and my first digital camera was Fuji digital camera (1998). I have also other hobbies, e. g. physical exercises (gym, weight lifting, badminton). I do physical exercises three times a week ( and play badminton once a week. 
My hobbies
Current view from Creative Cam
Hi! I'm Pörri
Some pictures