
Hello First I want to thank all of the people that use the web site and make it a success. I appreciate your support and appreciate you giving support to the various people that visit the website. Recently we have added some new features to the web site. These features have cost money. Since I make no money from this website and volunteer my services to keep it running. I have personally paid for a great deal of software. Internet fees associated with the web site and the latest cost was the Video and Audio Chat room software. I am not expecting huge donations from anybody because realistically I have only spent a little over a Thousand dollars. But in all honesty I would appreciate spreading the cost around. So if you feel you have benefited from this site and would like to help pay for future improvements I would appreciate it.

Please mail any donation you would like to make to


 Gene Chance
5038 Erdman Ave
Baltimore MD 21205

Thank You


Clinical Trials Lab Tests Advocate