
MMG - Misyun! online

A compilation of articles in Misyun! and of other MMGHHSCP communications
(Web site produced by Final Edition Inc. for the Medical Mission Group Hospitals and Health Services Cooperative-Philippines)

Choice Cuts


April 2000:
Measuring health
'Bio-pirates' target studies on RP medicine

February 2000:
Stronger RP bourse needed
   to prepare for globalization
Doctors’ coop takes challenge
   to help reduce drug prices
International economic scene

January 2000:
Unhealthy cuts
Globalization and localization
Health situationer

December 1999:
Pro-generics v. 'pera o bayong'
Generics Act of 1991

November 1999:
Politics of fooling around
Asia still OFWs' region of choice
Pinoys abroad helped RP recovery
Real powers of Filipino expatriates
Indebted nation, unhealthy nation
What healing means

Internal Matters

From the National CEO
Memo on committee on code of ethics and conduct
Memo on constitutional amendments committee Federation Updates (December 1999)

MMG Post
New set of Federation officers elected

Chapter News
MMG Roxas picks new leaders

(Click here for arrangements for the next national directorate meeting, Roxas City, May 26, 2000)

Chapter Reports (December 1999)

General Assembly Meeting
(Bohol Tropics Resort, Graham Avenue, Tagbilaran City, March 4, 2000)

4th Quarterly National Directorate Meeting
(Barrio Gaisano, Quirante II, Tagum City, November 20, 1999)

Income Statement and Balance Sheet
For the period ended Dec. 31, 1999(Unaudited)

MMG-Medicíne Trading Inc. First Investors' Meeting
(NS Royal Pension, Cebu City, February 20, 2000)

Medicíne Trading Inc. Summary of Combined Chapter and Individual Investors

Health Events 2000

MMG story: Cooperatives for total health care

 One of the earliest MMG family portraits
(Click on photo to enlarge)

SO THEY SAY (Opinion column)
April 2000:
Beginnings and endings     Carolyn O. Arguillas
Invention of death              Resil B. Mojares
Bagong anyo                        Dr. Tony T. Garcia
Erap jokes                             Rex JMA Fernandez

February 2000:
Questions                              Carolyn A. Arguillas
We are what we eat             Resil B. Mojares
Selpon                                     Dr. Tony T. Garcia
Case to case                         Rex JMA Fernandez
Juan dela Clown's Corner
Q: If Erap and Loi Estrada were on a sinking ship, who would be saved?
A: The Republic of the Philippines! (hehehe)

Selected jokes - April 2000
Selected jokes - February 2000

About us:
Misyun! Statement
Profile of Publication
Medical Mission Group Hospitals and Health Services Cooperative of the Philippines
Final Edition Inc.
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Sun.Star Network Online
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From October 27, 1999
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