Other Syndromes That May or May not be Related to CFIDS

Visual Dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Visual problems commonly associated with FM & CFS.

Research on the relation between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other Chronic illnesses Site has several links to articals relating to other conditions that may be associated with CFS.

Chiari Malformation, Cervical Spinal Stenosis and Fibromyalgia Gives excerpts of news on chairi malformation. Dr. Lamb gives his opinion on each news story. I tend to believe his statement here.
"I suspect that the Chiari Malformation is present at birth but that symptoms probably occur in people after cervical spinal compression from injury, repetitive work or progressive spinal degeneration. Perhaps the bone of the foramen magnum enlarges with cervical spine traction contributing to the Chiari syndrome."
There are people who have this & don't know it who have no symptoms commonly associated with it(from experience).

Dr. Rosner Leads the Way with other medical doctors to show the Relationship of Spinal Cord Compression to FMS gives 2 studies of how surgery decreased symptoms of CFS, FM & neurally mediated hypotension as well as specific instructions to give your doc if you want an MRI done that could determine if you have Chairi I Malformation.

SPINAL DISEASES & DISORDERS Chiari Malformation Detailed explaination of Chairi I & II Malformations including abnormalities, symptoms & treatment.

The World ACM Association Lots of information on support, coping with symptoms, personal stories and more.

Chairi Malformation information & MRI of Chairi Malformation.

The Chiari ClinicThe Adult Chiari I Malformation explaination of the condition, anatomy of the brain, symptoms and treatment.

Central Nervous System Includes comparative symptoms chart, descriptions of Chiari I malformations, and several abstracts related to these abnormalities.

The Chiari I Malformation: 1998 Experience Includes information & research as well as list common symptoms: Headache and neck pain, Cough headache, Disordered eye movements, Trigeminal dysesthesia (numbness in the face), Hearing loss, Tinnitus - ringing in the ears, Dizziness, Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), Sleep apnea, Recurrent syncope (repeated fainting spells), Respiratory arrest, Dysarthria (slurring of speech), Ataxia (unsteady walking), Dysethesias/numbness, Weakness, and Bowel and bladder dysfunction.

Lots Of Links On Lyme Disease Lyme disease displys many of the symptoms of CFIDS and many symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Site provides a lot of links to other sites on lyme disease.

Lyme Disease Network Provides the latest news & research on lyme disease.

Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue, CFS, CFIDS, ME, Fatigue, etc. Lots of links to sites on these conditions.

Lyme Disease Misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia Lots of links related to this condition.

Cheryl's Lyme links She has links to many helpful resources including "Lyme and Wilson's syndrome", a thyroid problems often associated with Lyme patients.

Newsgroups & support groups on Lyme Disease This is a good site if you are looking for support in coping with lyme disease.

MCS Referral & Resources Professional outreach, patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, and prevention of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorders.
Overlapping Disorders: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome Multiple Chemical Sensitivity & Gulf War Syndrome Artical on the MCS Referral & Resources site.

Colorado Health Net Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Center provides information on multiple chemical sensitivities, symptoms, treatment, providers, and support.

American Family Physician Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome includes history of disease back to 1940's.
American Family Physician web site You can do a lot of searching on multiple chemical sensitivities or any other medical condition you may be interested in searching. The site appears to be a rather large site with a lot of information.

More Evidence Shows Environmental Intolerance Is a Psychophysiologic Disorder Data published by Canadian researchers confirms the hypothesis that idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI, formerly known as multiple chemical sensitivity) and panic disorder share a neurogenetic basis. They found a gene, cholecystokinin B (CCK-B) receptor alleles, which are known to be associated with panic disorder is also in higher number of people with multiple chemical sensitivity. Of the subjects with IEI, the researchers found a significantly higher prevalence of CCK-B receptor allele 7 compared with controls (people without IEI), 40.9% versus 9.1%, respectively.

Protection of Human Environment By the World Health Orangization. You may want to do some checking around on this site. I just clicked on electro-magnetic fields and saw where there have been reports of it effecting memory. Interesting.

EDGAR CAYCE'S TREATMENT FOR CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME The webmaster shares his story about MS in which he shares his symptoms "Some of my symptoms included numbness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, tremors, muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, failing memory, slurred speech, and bladder dysfunction."

HHV-6 Site Provides all kinds of information about this virus many people lying dormant but researchers feel is a contributing factor to CFS and other conditions.

REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY A personal website which contains a lot of info on this condition.

COGNITIVE AND PERCEPTUAL PROBLEMS IN MS This site lists and explains the cognitive problems common in MS. These are the same cognitive problems people with CFIDS experience. Interesting.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Information on MS diagnosis and Treatments, resources for Living with MS, and Society-funded Research efforts.

MS Foundation WHAT IS Multiple Sclerosis? Site gives extensive information on MS.

Multiple Sclerosis Information on multiple sclerosis which seems to have several similar symptoms as FM.

MSActiveSource.com Most up-to-date comprehensive & personalized source of information on MS includes online support and news on MS research.

MS Resource Center Comprehensive information on MS including information for family members.

Osteonecrosis/Avascular necrosisOsteonecrosis or Avascular necrosis is a very serious bone disorder in which the affected bones or joints actually die.

Low Metabolism or Hypothyroidism by Richard M. Alford, M.D. (Copyright 2000) Dr. Alford shares his views on the etiology of hypothyrodism, it's prevalence in today's society, symptomology and treatment modalities. It's a very lengthy artical but well worth reading for those with CFIDS. It will likely give you some information to explore with your doctor.

Thyroid Disease with Mary Shomon Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia and the Linkage to Candida (Yeast) Sensitivity and The Yeast Syndrome An Interview With Dr. Michael McNett
The Paragon Clinic Dr. Michael McNett's pratice.

Dr. Lowe's web page Dr. John Lowe is a leading researcher in metabolism, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. He concludes that these conditions are caused by Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism. It is a very informative and interesting site. Do check it out. It'll shed light on some of those unanswered questions.

Candida-Yeast Connection Dr. William G Crook's site gives information on how candida yeast is related to many chronic medical conditions.

Pituitary and Hormonal disorders "The pituitary is a small, bean-shaped gland located below the brain in the skull base, in an area called the pituitary fossa or sella turcica. Weighing less than one gram, the pituitary gland is often called the "master gland" since it controls the secretion of hormones. These substances have a dramatic and broad range of effects on metabolism, growth and maturation, sexuality and reproduction and other important bodily functions.

Structurally, the pituitary gland is divided into a larger anterior region (adenohypophysis) and a smaller posterior region (neurohypophysis). The gland is connected to a region of the brain called the hypothalamus by the pituitary stalk. Directly above the pituitary gland and in front of the pituitary stalk are the crossing fibers of the optic nerves called the optic chiasm. On each side of the pituitary gland is the cavernous sinus. Through each cavernous sinus runs a carotid artery that carries blood to the brain, and important nerves that control eye movements. Because of the close proximity of the pituitary gland to these major intracranial nerves and blood vessels, as well as the vital hormonal control the pituitary gland provides, disorders of the pituitary can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms, both hormonal and neurological."

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Information on hypothyroidism and the autoimmune disease that causes the gradual destruction of the thyroid.

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology eneral allergy information & referrals to allergists.

Food Allergy Network Information for parents & consumers about food allergy, label reading, food preparation & management & education programs.

America School Food Service Association Guidance for managing food allergy in the school setting.