Welcome to Angelica's Home Page

This is a picture of me in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. It was taken by my friend Rebecca, just before the most horrific moment of my life occured and we got completely stuck on the side of a mountain in a rental car. Please don't tell Dollar Rental Car. I want to take this space to thank Rebecca for saving me from myself, ha ha, without her calm breathing techniques, we'd still be on the side of that mountain. Well, maybe we would have hiked out by now, but one can never tell.

Ah, I haven't updated this website in over 5 years, but since 5 is my lucky number I thought, hey, why not update this thing.

To read quotes and poetry from my favorite authors, please click here

To see pictures from Halloween 2001, please click here

If you have anything you'd like to tell me about this page, please feel free to email me at mailto:angelica.govaert@yahoo.com