Vol 8 Records of the Moravians in NC
May 2, 1825 ...at daybreak we were roused from slumber by the terrfying cry: "Fire! Fire!"
Fire had broken out in the stable on the former school house lot, now occupied by Br. Samual
Thomas Hauser.  By God's grace there was practically no wind, so the adults and children,
white and black, who rushed to the spot, used the fire engine, and tore down the stable, were
able to put out the fire before it spread.
For this gracious protection of our town, we gathered in the evening and on our knees gave thanks
humbly and from our hearts.
May 3...in the evening the men of the town gathered, and arranged to procure fire hooks, and to
provide for testing and improving the fire engine.
 January 18, 1828...there is no news concerning the results of the fire in the Bank which occurred
December 20th of last year....
July 4, 1843...lightning struck Ddr. Wilson's barn and set it afire.  The sight of this burning building
was terribly beautiful.  It was the first time that lightning had done damage in town.  In half an hour
the burning building had disappeared.
Resolved that each individual shall pay the sum of one dollar and 50 cents within ten days after adopting
these resolutions to the proper Officer of the Bethania fire Company for the purpose of repairing the fire
engine now belonging to the inhabitants of the Town and also proceive four ladders two of forty feet long
and two of twenty feet each and one of each length to be deposited at the upper and lower part of the
town in a good convenient and dry place.
2.  That said Company shall consist of the following Officers, one Chief Engineer and two Assistants.
3.  That there be one President and one Vice President, one Secretary, one Treasurer and one
4.  That the Engineer select eight individuals for the purpose of getting and operating the engine and
also select individuals for the purpose of getting and adjusting the ladders as he may direct.
5.  That every individual not employed as before determined shall assist in furnishing the engine with
water and bring a vessel for that purpose unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Engineer.
6.  That said Engineer shall have engine exercised once in every month in order to keep it in repair
and to discipline the men and also that he at each time notify his men the day and hour when the
exercise shall be again performed and that those refusing or neglecting to attend either in person
or by Proxy at the specified time and place shall forfeit and pay to the proper Officer 121/2 cts
unless a reasonable excuse be offered and accepted by the Engineer.
7.  That Joseph Harmon, E. Cash, J. E. Lehman and Adam Butner be exempt from all duties
connected with the monthly exercise of the machine or engine.
8.  Resolved that there be appointed a Committee of three to put, keep and examine the engine
and that the Chief Engineer be one of the Committee and also that the Committee shall
make all contracts for carrying out these resolutions which contracts shall be out to the lowest
bidder and as soon as any account be presented to them they shall examine the same and if found
correct shall endorse on the back of said account - examined and approved and signed by the
Engineer which account shall be presented to the President, he shall issue an order to the
Treasurer countersigned by the Secretary for said amount.
9.  That the treasurer pay all orders signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary
and charge the same to contingent expenses which account shall be allowed in his annual
10.  That the Treasurer render at every annual meeting a full statement of receipts and
dispursements and amount remaining in the Treasury and if there should a sum plus occur
more than the immediate wants of the Company require it shall be the duty of the Treasurer
to put said amount in safe hands to be approved by the President and all interest thus
arising shall be applied to the use of the Company.
11.  That the Secretary shall make out all accounts and hand them to the proper Officer for
collection and that he furnish each Officer a manuscript copy of these resolutions and that
he procure a book in which he transcribe these resolutions and minutes all proceedings of
the Company at every meeting and read the same when requested.
12.  That the Collector shall present all accounts delivered him for collection by the Secretary
and receive the same and pay it over to the Treasurer and take his receipt.
13.  Resolved that it shall be the duty of the President to call a meeting of said Company on
the first day of January in every year and at any other period when he may deem it
necessary or when vacations or resignations occur and make known what Office is vacant
and forthwith call an election to fill such vacancy and preside as Chairman at every
meeting in case of failure or inability of the President, the Vice President shall
perform the duties assigned the President.
14.  That all questions arising at any meeting of said Company shall be decided by a
majority of the whole number of individuals signing these resolutions and all votes shall be
taken viva voce.
15.  That it shall be the duty of all the company to asemble and meet at the call of the
President at the time and place specified.
16.  That in case any Officer neglects or refused to faithfully perform the duties assigned
him by the foregoing resolutions they shall be subject to a fine of fifty cents for each failure
unless a reasonable excuse be offered and accepted by the President and if the President
neglects his duty excuse shall be offered to and excepted by the Company or fined one dollar.
17.  That any individual holding property in this Town and refuses to sign and abide by these
resolutions shall not receive the assistance of the Company any farther than to save the
property of those who belong to said Company.
18.  That in case any member remove from this Town with all his effects his membership
shall cease, should anyone with a family move into town these resolutions shall be
presented to him by the Secretary for his signature and upon his signing them he shall be
considered a member.
19.  Resolved that we now bind ourselves firmly and consider ourselves firmly to adhere in
every particular set forth in the above resolutions and in case of failure to comply with them in
any particular that a legal process may be instituted and any sum so forfeited be recovered
by Law before any Justice of the Peace of said County.
20.  That all single persons who hold no property in the Town be exempted from the payment
as set forth in the first resolution but subject to all other resolutions.
A. Conrad, Chief Engineer, William H. Lash and Chris Grabs, Assistant Engineers
I. G. Lash, President and Solomon Transou Vice President, E. Lehman Secretary, G. Wilson
Treasurer, Peter Transou Collector
Committee for keeping the Engine in Repair be H. Conrad, E. Shoub and Joe Transou
Appointments by the Engineer  H. Butner, D. Butner, E. Lehman, Edward Butner, Joe
Transou, William Lehman to attend to the Engine and Solomon transou, Michael Butner,
Tim Transou and Lewis Grabs
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