to Affective Friends
Affective Friends is meant for people who have an affective disorder, know someone who does, or work in the mental health field. We will try to help each other learn to live, love and laugh. Affective Friends is NOT meant to replace the services of qualified mental health professionals
National Depression Screening Day will be October 11, 2007.
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Archive of guestbook entries
Archive 2 of guestbook entries
To get information on medications, alternative
treatments, non-medical treatments, and psychological theories,
visit the Medication/Alternative Treatments
page (Updated August 10, 2007)
To find something to read, see our page on Books, Articles and E-Journals
Last updated February 5, 2007
This page is divided into
the following areas:
Consumer Services, General
Consumer Services, Specific Disorders
Research and Education
Addiction and Recovery
US Congress and Related Agencies
Legal Assistance
Rehabilitation and Employment
Interesting Links
- Consumer Services, General
- A room of one’s own: Budget cuts are squeezing residential services for the homeless mentally ill. With nowhere else to go, they may soon return to a street corner near you.
- About Our Kids, NYU Child Study Center; Changing the face of Child Mental Health
- African American Family Services (community-based, culturally specific chemical health, mental health, and family preservation services)
- Alternative Mental Health On-line (Safe Harbor)
- American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
- American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry
- American Academy of
- American Association of
Geriatric Psychiatry
- American Association of
Marriage and Family Therapists
- American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA)
- American Indian and Alaska Native Programs (AIANP)
- American Medical
- American Psychiatric
- American Psychiatric Foundation
- American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- American Psychoanalytic
- American Psychological
- American Society of
Adolescent Psychiatry
- Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Risk for Heart Patients
- Ask
Noah, a comprehensive site on mental illness
- Anxiety Disorders
Association of America
- Asian American/Pacific Islander Fact Sheet, From Surgeon General Mental Health Report
- Asian American Psychological Association
- Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
- Association of Black Psychologists
- Association for
Transpersonal Psychology
- Beacon of Hope,
"Help for partners of those touched by mental
- Beck Institute of
Cognitive Therapy and Research
- Befrienders Worldwide
- Behavioral Services Now Offered Under the California Mental Health Parity Law
- Best Practices in Family Intervention for Serious Mental Illness
- Boston Resource Net
- British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
- Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
- Canadian Psychological
- CASCAP - Boston area service provider
- CBS Cares
- Center for Health and Development
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was HCFA
- The Center for Men at McLean
- Center for Mental
Health Services/National Mental Health Information Center
- Center for the Study of
Psychiatry and Psychology/Dr. Peter Breggin
- Centers tor Disease Control
- Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
- The Advanced Center for Intervention and Services Research (ACISR) for Early-Onset Mood and Anxiety Disorders Was: Center to Improve Treatment for Youth
- Child Advocate Network
- Child
Welfare League of America, Behavioral Health Division
- CEHL - Children's Emotional Health Link
- Children's Health
- Children's Mental Health Needs and School-Based Services: A Fact Sheet
- Christian Association for
Psychological Studies
- Coloring Therapy
- Columbia
University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide
- Community Resources Online (CRO), Seattle
- Consumers Guide to Mental Health Sources
- CyberPsychologist
Online Self-Help Service
Diagnoses and Codes
Diagnoses and Criteria
- Danvers State Memorial Committee
- The Dougy Center for Grieving Children & Families
- Emotions Anonymous
- Expert Consensus
Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder; Depressive
Disorders in Older Patients; Behavioral Emergencies;
Psychiatric and Behavioral Problems in Mental
Retardation; PTSD; Schizophrenia; OCD
- FACTS about Mental Illness
- Facts for Health
- Family Behavioral Health Services, Mayfield, Ohio
- Family Diversity Projects :: Nothing to Hide - Mental Illness in the Family
- Family
Practice Notebook, Psychiatry
- Federation for Families
for Children's Mental Health
- Find the Light, Online Support Group for Mood Disorders, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse
- Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, Mental Health Section
- Getting Food Stamps in Massachusetts
- Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health and Media
- Headroom - Mental Health for Young People
- Healthfinder
- Healthfinder,
- Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
- HealthyPlace.com Mental Health Communities
- Here to Help
- Hispanic Federation (a network of health and human service agencies, NYC)
- Hispanic Health Council (Hartford, CT)
- HIV/AIDS and Mental Health
- How to eat smart
- Human Services Research Institute (HSRI)
- The Icarus Project - Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness
- Insight Center
- Insurance Parity for Mental Health Coverage
- Intelihealth.com
- International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD)
- Jane's
Mental Health Source Page
- Japanese Community Youth Council, San Francisco
- KQED Guide to Mental Health Resources on the Web
- Keys to Commitment
- Latino Behavioral Health
- Latino Fact Sheet, From Surgeon General Mental Health Report
- Lost Childhood: Missed diagnoses can lead to medication mistakes, suicidal thoughts
- Massachusetts Association for Mental Health - MAMH
- Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
- The Massachusetts Forensic Transition Program for Mentally Ill Offenders Re-Entering the Community
- Massachusetts Psychiatric Society
- McMan's Depression and Bipolar Web
- Medicare
- Mental Health Information Network of Greater Boston
- Mental Health
Info Resources
- Mental Health Info - Self Help Group Locator
- MentalHealthRecovery.com/Mary Anne Copeland
- Mental Health Association, Australia
- Mental Health Consumer Resources on the Net
- Mental
Health Risk Factors for Adolescents
- Mental Health Statistics
- Mental
Health Toll Free Resources and Hotlines
- Mental Help Net
- Mental Illness Education Project
- MilitaryMentalHealth.org - Mental Health Self-Assessment Program
- Mind Your Mind Programme Health Promotion Board
- Missouri Institute of Mental Health
- Mood Disorders Linked to the Reproductive Cycle in Women
- Mood Disorders Society of Canada La société de désordres d'humeur du Canada (MDSC)
- MoodGYM Training Program -Delivering cognitive behaviour therapy for preventing depression
- mpower: musicians for mental health
- Myths
and Facts about Mental Illness
- National Alliance for Hispanic Health
- National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill (NAMI)
- National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
- National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
- National Asian Women’s Health Organization
- National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS)
- National Association of School Psychologists
- National Association of
Social Workers (NASW)
- National Black Child Development Institute
- National Center for
Chronic Disease and Health Promotion
- National Foundation
for Abused and Neglected Children
- National Indian Health Board
- National Medical Association
- National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness
- Neurotransmissions
- New England Psychologist
- New York State Psychiatric Institute
- Nielsen's Psychology of Religion
- Nutritional Psychiatry
- Omega 3 fatty acids influence mood, impulsivity and personality, study indicates
- Parent Professional Advocacy League
- Parents for Residential Reform
- Patty Duke's Online Center for Mental Wellness Blog
- PeerSupport.org Peer - to - Peer Resource Center
- President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
- Prof stresses family role in treating mental illness
- Project Hope
- Psychiatric Nurses
- PsychiatryMatters.MD
- Psychology Info
- Pulier's
Personal Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Resources
- Reach Out!
- Reflective Happiness
- Safer Child, Inc.
- The Samaritans, UK
- SANE, Australia
- Screening for Mental Health
- Social Security FAQ
- Social
Security: How to prove you are disabled when you have
mental illness
- Social
Security, Criteria for determining disability
- Social Security Disability Secrets
- Some Heart Patients Vulnerable To Mental Stress
- State-by-state chart of U.S. commitment laws
- The State of Mental Health Services in Massachusetts: The Impact of Inadequate Funding
- Stop Calling Us Mentally Ill Petition
- State
Mental Health Resources
- Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)
- Suicide Information and
Education Centre
- Talklisten.org - Mental Health Resources for Parents and Teens
- TeensHealth: Your Mind
- Teenscreen: Adolescent suicide and mental health screening programs
- Tips
for a Person Applying for Social Security Disability
- Tired? Depressed? Check Your Thyroid
- Tools for Coping
- University of Adelaide Guides: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- University of Adelaide Guides: Forensic Psychiatry
- University of Adelaide Guides: Mental Health Consumers and Carers
- University of Adelaide Guides: Primary Care: Mental Health
- Vinfen
- World Health Organization
- Consumer Services, Specific Disorders
- About Teen Depression
- Adolescent Mood Disorders - Education, Intervention, Guidance
- Affective Disorders Anonymous
- American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention
- Anger Project
- Anxiety and Depression Solutions
- Anxiety Disorders
Association of America
- Anxiety Network
- Asociacion de Bipolares de Asturias (ABA) (in Spanish)
- Atypical Depression
- Atypical Depression Actually Very Typical
- Atypical
Depression, Pharmacotherapy and diagnostic viability
- Best
things to say to someone who is depressed
- Bipol-Art - International art project for people suffering from bipolar disorder
- Bipolar Brain
- Bipolar
Children & Teens
- Bipolar Disorder from K12 Academics
- Bipolar Disorder in Children & Kids
- Bipolar Genetics
- Bipolar Significant Others
- Bipolar Disorder Treatment Center
- Bipolar Symptoms
- Birth
to Three Months: Warning Signs of Severe Postpartum
- Black Dog Institute - Depression Explained
- A Blue Fallen Angel's Home Depression in the GLBT community
- BluePages Depression Information
- Boston University Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders
- BPD World (Borderline Personality Disorder)
- Bprayer: Support for Christians with Bipolar Loved Ones
- Brain Explorer - Focus on Brain Disorders - Bipolar Disorder
- Brain Explorer - Focus on Brain Disorders - Depression
- Brainstorm: Your Pediatric Bipolar InfoSource
- Carbohydrate Cravings in Children With Bipolar Disorder
- Center for Anxiety
and Stress Treatment
- Center for Women’s Mental Health, MGH
- Child & Adolescent
Bipolar Foundation Site One
- Child & Adolescent
Bipolar Foundation Site Two
- Clues to mental illness: Genetic variants linked to mania and depression are under study; may lead to treatments
- Cognitive Therapy for Depression
- Cognitive Therapy Pages
- Computer Addiction Services
- The
Connection between Bipolar Illness and Borderline
Personality Disorder
- Conquering Panic Attacks
- CyberAddiction: Overview
- Depressed Teens
- Depression A to Z
- Depression - Informational Site on Depression with custom articles and the latest news
- Depression and Alcoholism, A Diary
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) was the National Depression and Manic Depression Association (NDMDA)
- Depression and Cancer
- The Depression Center
- Depression and
Related Affective Disorders Association (DRADA)
- Depression
Central's Bipolar Site
- Depression During and After Pregnancy
- Depression Fallout
- DepressionGuide.com
- Depression Hurts
- Depression
in Men
- Depression
in the Elderly
- Depression is a choice
- Depression Learning Path - Understand it, Treat it, Beat it
- Depression
Linked to Intelligence and "Submissiveness"
"Star Wars" Fans have Higher Rates of
- Depression/NIMH
- Depression
Screening Test
- Depression WebWorld
- Depression, Women and Creativity
- Diabetes, Depression and Stress
- Evidence of Brain Chemistry Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder
- Experience Journal: Pediatric Depression
- Faith
and Depression
- Families for Depression Awareness
- Family
Considerations (for people with bipolar disorder)
- Genetics of Recurrent Early-onset Depression (GenRED) and Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia (MGS)
- Georgia Bipolar Childhood Foundation
- Harbor of Refuge: Peer to Peer Support for People with Bipolar disorder and those that care about them
- Health Diaries: Bipolar Disorder
- Help-For.com for OCD, Anxiety and depression
- How to avoid a manic episode
- How to Get Help
- Summaries of scientific journal articles about hyperthymic temperament
- Intergrative Milieu Model
- International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred) - Shining the Light on Depression
- International
Kraepelin Society (information on Manic Depression
and Schizophrenia)
- Internet Abuse
Addiction? Disorder? Symptom? Alternative Explanations?
- Internet Addiction Disorder: Causes, Symptoms,and Consequences
- Internet Addiction: Disconnection of Reality
- Internet: Behavioral Impacts. How the Internet Impacts the Lives of Its Users.
- Is
Depression an adaptation?
- Madison Institute of
Medicine (for Manic Depression and OCD information)
- Major Depression: Symptoms, Prevalence and Genetic Factors
- Mesa Family
Workshops for families of those with bipolar disorder
- Metabolic Syndrome -- Causes Mental Health Symptoms?
- The Molecular Genetics of Bipolar Disorder
- Mood and Anxiety Disorder Institute, MGH
- Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC)
- Music Therapy and Depression
- Obesity-Depression Link
- P.O.V. - West 47th Street . Share Your Stories (Manic Depression - Bipolar Disorder) | PBS
- The Parents' How to Guide to Children's Mental Health Services in Massachusetts
- Pendulum
Resources - for bipolar disorder
- Postpartum Education for Parents (PEP)
- PPD Hope™ Information Center
- PSI: Postpartum Support International
- Psychotherapy for People with Depression
- Psychotherapy, Light Therapy, Dietary Supplements for Depression
- Rx for depression: 'Mangia, mangia!'
Certain foods fight depression
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Self-care - Living with Affective Disorders
- Sleep Net/Sleep Web
- Substance Abuse Relapses: Could It Be a Dual Diagnosis?
- Suicide Prevention Action Network USA
- Survivors of
- Slower treatment response in bipolar depression predicted by lower pretreatment thyroid function
- Techniques for Dealing with a Bipolar Child
- University of Adelaide Guides: Aboriginal Mental Health
- University of Adelaide Guides: Administration and Policy in Mental Health
- University of Adelaide Guides: Depression and other Mood Disorders
- University of Adelaide Guides: Geriatrics and Geriatric Psychiatry
- University of Adelaide Guides: Housing for People with a Mental Illness
- University of Adelaide Guides: Rural Mental Health
- Vereniging voor Manisch Depressieven en Betrokkenen (VMDB)
- “Weaving My Web - The Silent Killer” (Mensa Editorial)
- Wing Of Madness,
Children and Depression
- Worst
things to say to someone who is depressed
- Wrestling with Bipolar Disorder