Welcome to Miss Zimmerman's Advice Column


If you need help with something let me know and I'll see what I can do.  My favourite letters are P, G, and B and I really enjoy a Dilemma.  Send me your request for LOVE ADVISE by email and I'll give you what's I've got.


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Featured Dilemma:

When your girlfriend leaves the country and goes to Club Med with her daughter


Dear  Young and yearning,

That's a toughie, and you're going to have to do some thinking. Whatever you decide, don't do the halfsies thing, where you still are sorta together, but sorta seeing other people. You two will just end up hurting each other.

If you're head over heels crazy about her, and you want her in your life for a long time,  try to stay in touch, but watch your phone bill!

If you're too uncertain, call things off for now. You know what they say, "if you love somebody, set them free." And if they come back to you, then it was meant to be. If they don't, then you were meant to move on to someone new!

You two are still young, and people change quite a bit at that age, especially when someone travels somewhere distant.

Good luck!

Miss Zimmerman

Dear Miss Zimmerman,

I have a girlfriend who's leaving the country for a two week vancation with her daughter to vacation at Club Med We've been dating 8 months, and I really like her. But I don't know if I can handle a long distance relationship. She's thirty-five years old, and I'm thirty-one. She's my second girlfriend I've ever had. Should we try to stay together, or let each other date around?

Young and yearning,
in Yahoo, BC.