Post a Message in My Message Board! Tracey's Web Page Gradfinder - Keep in touch with friends from school!
Welcome to my website. Please leave a note in my guest book so I know you came by. I guess you can say I'm creating my own 15 minutes of fame. From time to time I plan to update my page so please feel free to stop by often.

By profession I work in the Telecommunications/Software industry. I travel a lot and have visited some interesting places. Because my job involves a lot of travel i've visited a lot of places I probably would never have visited on my own. Most of the time these places are not your common tourist spots, such as Ketchikan AK , Hammond NY, Perham MN ,LaGrange Tx, Butler PA., One thing I've discovered in my travels is no matter where you go people are all the same.

In my spare time I enjoy working out both indoors and out. I've competed in the Friehoffers Run for women three times. I'm also a certified Aerobic instructor and plan to one day open my own gym. I've also hiked the Adirondack Mtns.

When I'm at home I like to surf the net and have found some very interesting sights....some of my favorites are Oprah ,The Wedding Channel, Cool Vegetarian Site .

I currently live in upstate NY, however, I have lived in Boston MA. Although Boston is a great place to visit and live , Albany is home. Of all the places I've visited Albany has the best combination of Big City entertainment and small town charm.

I hope you've enjoyed visiting my website. Please come back again!!!!!!!!
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