Welcome! You're not alone!!

There's a hero if you look inside your heart.
You don't have to be afraid of what you are...
("Hero", by M. Carey & W. Afanasieff)

I'm sad to say that due to lack of time, I can't answer personal messages. But I encourage you to leave your thoughts and own experiences in the guestbook below, for me and others to read. If you want to remain anonymous, just like me, that's totally OK. However, please be considerate and don't curse or put anything X-rated there - such things will be removed. Thanks!

Svenska, tack!

In my life I've come to see very closely what mobbing can do to people, since I have some friends who have been mobbed. I myself was mobbed too, and to me it caused severe illness - I'm well today - and I have had some difficulties in trusting people, but it's better now. So now I'm so upset and angry when I think of what mobbing can do that I have to do something for all the mobbing victims around the world. Hopefully I could contribute to making the world realise how much you hurt a person when you mob or bully him or her. I also want to try to give some faith, comfort and strength to other mobbing victims, and show that "you're not alone"! That's why I created this place. Unfortunately, I have to run this place anonymously in fear of retaliation. I do hope you understand and respect this, and that you still can look at my site as my contribution to the fight against mobbing. Thanks!

Look at the things you can do here:

* Read my own story here!

* Read some advice from me!
* Check out some other great sites about mobbing!

Take care - you're not alone!

The warmest regards,
A former mobvictim.


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