Welcome to my homepage. I hope to have alot of neat things on here. One is my story about my life with lupus. I am so glad you visited and hope you come back often to see whats new.

A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM ME TO YOU-I hope you read this and enjoy. It is about why i have done this website about lupus, our campaign to raise awareness to lupus and info on if you would like to join us in raiseing awareness.

MY STORY OF LIVING WITH LUPUS-I hope you enjoy it. This is a link to my friends page she has made for me so to come back to my page hit your back button until we can put it up on this site also.

LUPUS AND OTHER RELATED DISEASE'S INDEX PAGE- Here you will find information on what Lupus is and other disease's that are related to it, self help and copeing pages for anyone with a chronic illness. Please read up on some of these if you do not know what they are.

POEMS AND INSPIRATIONAL PAGES-Here you will find an index of some great poems pages, inspiriational pages and even some fun ones. I hope to be adding several of them for you to enjoy.

MY FAVORITE LINKS-Here are some of my fav links to other pages.

I got my border background set from: