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LAST UPDATE: June 11, 2000

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Are you a Butt Kicker?


Well, I am.  On November 18th, 1999 (The Day of The Great American Smokeout, pretty clever, huh?) I officially quit smoking.  That's it.  No more.  I refuse to let cigarettes run my life! 

And that's where this website comes in. This will be where I let the whole world (or maybe just some weird guy with nothing better to do) know about my attempt to KICK BUTT!  Nothing fancy.  Just me and my thoughts.

"But wait!"  I can hear you saying, "So how is this gonna help me quit?".  Well, in a nutshell, it's not supposed to.  This site isn't designed for YOU.  It's designed for ME.  So Naaaa.  However, I don't like to be selfish.  So I have included a list of links and resources that have helped me BIG TIME.   And maybe by learning what I go through, it can help you.

So, on with the show!


WhooHoo! I won my first award!! The lovely people at WorldVillage have chosen my site to appear as a feature in their Family First Newsletter, and I am very proud to display their award on my site. Thank you for this honor, WorldVillage!

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