flora and Fauna

We encountered so many different animals we lost count! Some pics are from our first trip, but most from our latest trip.

Marsh Marigolds at a lake close to home

These tiny orchids are smaller than lady slippers, and I was told they're called Fairy Slippers. They were blooming all through the mountains.

There were lots of Canadian Geese along the way

even the birds were so tame they came to our hands

There were so many Elk! They were calving and the babies were so cute. We had over 30 in our campsite every night

No one in Banff needs a lawn mower, that's for sure!

This young moose ran off just as I spied her.

This little guy was having fun posing for the camera

This guy not only sat on us, but stole Guy's cheese bun he had brought up the mountain for lunch! Two of them even had a great time rummaging around in his back pack

This gorgeous gal is a Hoary Marmot. She blends in so well with grass and rock, people walked by her bold posing for an hour without realizing she was there

big horn sheep

This band of goats stopped all traffic coming and going to Maligne Lake. I called them "rockie mountain custom's officers"

These are Caribou

beautiful White Tail Deer

We saw a total of 5 bears on our trip. This guy's eyes were shining out of the bush at us. I have another closer picture of the last bear we saw, but it's still on the film in my camera