massage therapy by debbie grey

Massage Therapist

Site Map Profile Mission Location Qualifications Types of Massage Technical Support

New York City Deployments

Contact Information

Phone: (716) 479-8298 Fax: (716) 839-2347

Voice Mail: (716) 479-8298

E-mail Debbie Grey

Hours: Monday - Sunday by appointment

Gift Certificates or Gift Packages are available


Massage has multiple benefits. It increases metabolism, hastens healing, relaxes, refreshes muscles, improves the detoxifying functions of the lymphatic system, prevents and relieve muscle cramps or spasms, improves circulation of blood and lymph, and manages pain in conditions such as arthritis, neuralgia, labor, whiplash, muscular lesions, sciatica, headaches. There are many more benefits to massage. Should you have questions, contact Debbie Grey, LMT at the above number. Ask about corporate chair massage.


I am committed to holistic healing and informaing my clients about the many benefits of massage therapy!


3970 Harlem Road Snyder, New York 14226
(Between Main Street & Kensington Avenue)


Types of Massage

1.) Table - This type of massage is only performed in my office, while the patient remains covered at all times.

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2.) Chair - This type of massage is performed in a special chair designed to craddle the head and provides chest and arm support. This can be performed in my office or on-site in your office. Many businesses are bringing chair massage to their office for their employees. Corporate chair massage benefits both employer and employee. Reduced stress increases employee productivity.


Techniques of Massage

Technical Support

Any questions, comments, or suggestions may be sent to The Web Designer


Notices and Warranties

This page has been created for the exclusive use of Debbie Grey, LMT

This web site does not offers any express or implied warranties nor is intended to provide medical advise. Consult your treating physician first before beginning treatment for any physical injuries.

Thank you for visiting our web site!