Finally..!! My resume...Somebody hire me.!! All about me.. Well...almost!! Some really cool links..!! Don't miss a page....Visit my site map..!!
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Welcome to my website..... I hope you enjoy your visit. We're finally right at "Home" here at TABRAEA.COM... Notice our redirect...!! Please feel free to browse among my pages.. Check out all my links.. I hope you'll find some interesting stuff here to entertain you.. maybe even consider me for employment or know of a company that is hiring as I'm seeking a job..!!

Hi..!! I'm Darlene.. This is my opportunity to show off my web development talents.

My Wiccan name is Tabraea.. So, it seemed only natural I should register my site as

Tabraea means golden rays of shining light...It is a combination of two Goddess' names. Tab, is the Goddess of light and Rhea, is the Goddess of fertility...

Go figure... Bright and productive, and relentlessly searching for a new job...


Enjoy your visit.!!!
Darlene M. Bissonnette
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: If it Harms none, Do what ye Will!
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This site was built using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4. It was built by and is the property of Darlene M. Bissonnette. Please do NOT "borrow" or remove any of the graphics used on this site... The links for many of them are included within this site... Please give credit to the Artists and websites for the use of their designs. It's only fair..!!

Thank you..
This site was updated November 15, 2002.... Many pages are still being added..!! Changes may occur daily .. Visit often..!!
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Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 Darlene M. Bissonnette