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The following motivatin program consists of five steps. Originally it was meant for outdoor-sport training schedules but in my opinion it is also suitable for any other kind of lack of motivation.
Go and get two sheets of paper and a pen, I'll be waiting...



Who wants to be motivated needs a clear goal to work for:   * note down a goal  


- think positive: not "I don't wanna smoke anymore" but "I'll quit smoking"  
- be concrete: note down a date when you want this finished   
- be realistic: only plan the time you have not the time you need to have


2 Everyone owns subconscious patterns of action and reaction. You have got to know these first to see the priorities of your goal                    * find your patterns


- think: do you want to avoid or do you want to achieve something?
- what do you want to avoid/ achieve?
- what is important about reaching your task (time, place, atmosphere, team-work, outline, quality...)?
- what do you think is important about your goal: what others think/ want/ see/ hear/ feel or what you think/ want/ see/ hear/ feel?


3 Combine your goal with your pattern and            * imagine the moment that you reach your goal


- be as detailed as possible, imagine a pleasant situation (sunshine, nice atmosphere)
- remember: "I can achieve something"
- remember the specific time or date
- try and taste the sweetness of this moment
- write everything down like an essay and read it aloud to yourself


4 Get an extra sheet of paper and                     * note down ressources


- who (alone, partner-work, team-work)?
- extent (how many times a day, how long)?
- when (morning, noon, after-noon, evening, nighttime)?
- how often a week?
- how will you do it (method)?


5 Nothing is less motivating than not reaching a goal. Therefore you should check it sometimes to see if you're still on the right track             * test your goal


- sometimes check your goal and compare progress
- if you're badly motivated take your essay and read it aloud. Try to imagine it.
- be critical: it might not work right from the beginning. In that case chance your ressources, NEVER change your goal.

Good Luck and find the courage to experience this kind of motivation!

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This motivation program is taken from the magazine FitForFun 3/99, pages 42-44.