                   - Model of  the development of the lobed chlamydial inclusion.The model begins with the EB (filled circle) inside an
                       early inclusion within the infected cell A). The EB differentiates to an RB (open oval) which then grows and
                       multiplies within the growing inclusion B) to D). The inclusion membrane grows with the growing bacterial membrane
                       and multiplication of RB leads to the formation of new lobes of the inclusion E). A second round of RB enlargement
                       may follow, yielding more RB, each enclosed in a new lobe. After approximately 20 hours, differentiation of RB back
                       to EB commences contmporally with the accumulation of developmental forms within each lobe F) to G).
                       Differentiation then proceeds, the inclusion and the cell are lysed, and EB are freed to infect another cell.
