
Cytadren (Aminoglutethimid, Mamomit, Orimeten, Orimetene, Rodazol)

This is an interesting drug and has only come to be known by the bodybuilding and sprts worlkd in more recent years. Cytadren inhibits the production of androgens, estrogens and cortisone in the body. It is used by the medical community to treat people who's body produces too much cortisol. When people partake in heavy, intense excercise their body's cortisol leves rise (cortisol is a catabolic hormone which eats away at muscle tissue).

Since cytadren also blocks the production of androgens, if being used, it should be used with some form of anabolic steroid.

When this drug is being used it should not be used for excessive periods of time and not everyday non stop. When the body senses cortisol levels are low it will release another hormone which in return signals for cortisol production to start again and get back to normal levels.

Side effects while on this vary but can include one or more of the following; fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, depression, headaches, nausea and sleeping problems.

If you were going to be suing Cytadren for a month, i would reccomend that it be taken in divided doses throughout the day. Going above 250 mgs/day is counter effective. Some believe it should be tapered where as others feel a 2 day on and 2 day off is better. Either way users should seriously consider going for more than 6 weeks with this.
