
Dianabol (Andoredan, Danabol, Encephan, Lanabolin, Metabolina, Metanabol, Mestandiabol, Metastenol, Nabolin, Nerobol, Perbolin, Reforvit, Stenolon)

Dianabol, has been given the title breakfast of champions and that wasn't for nothing. It is responsible for a lot of Arnolds size when he was in the game. Dbol is an oral steroid but has also been released in an injectable form. The oral is c-17 type and therefore toxic to the liver. It can be compared to anadrol 50 but with this the side effects are usually not as bad depending on doses. It is a very potent mass and strength builder however it does bring the problem of water retention with it. On a typical cycle of 6-8 weeks it is possible to gain a good 20 lbs of weight. With this you should slowly taper off from week 4 onwards to try and preserve as much of the gain as possible. It is not unlikely to be able to keep between 13-15 lbs of the 20lb gain.

With this you have to watch out that what you are getting isnt fake as there is a lot of fakes out there.


The tablets come in 5mg form and an effective dose is anywhere between 4 and 8 tabs a day. A typical user should only be on 8 a day at the peak of his cycle.
