
Esiclene (Hubernol)

This drug in many aspects is similar to synthol in that it will increase the size of a muscle. The two differences are that

1: Synthol is not illegal
2. Where as synthol increases the muscle by injecting an oil into, Esiclene increases the muscle by causing an inflamatory swelling.

The swelling caused is only temporarily and will go down after injections have been ceased and a period of time of about 2 or three days has elapsed. It also helps give a muscle definition and hardness.

Bodybuilders use this for two main reasons, firslty when it comes to summer time and they wanna pose down the beach and secondly when they are trying to get over a plateau.

It is a long process to describe but it is related to muscle having memory and once it has gained some mass it's easier to attain the original size when the mass has been lost much quicker than if it hadn't increased in size in the first place.


not more than 1-2 cc / bodypart
