Finaplix (Finajet, Finaject)
This is a veterinary cattle implant that is becoming quite popular among the bodybuilding community. Each pellet contains trenbolone acetate (a potent androgenic steroid which will not readily convert to estrogen).
There are one of two ways to take this product.
1. It can either be ground up, mixed with a DMSO mix and applied transdermally on this skin, or 2. Can betaken as an injection.
Although it has high androgenic characteristics it is also a high anabolic and users report great gains in both size and strength without the common water retention and gyno problems. It also helps to accelerate fat loss at quite a rapid rate in individuals.
The main problems reproted with using this steroid is that it is very toxic, especially to the kidneys. Since it is highly androgenic other side effects include acne and increased aggression.
Dose depending on the method, some inject every day others not so frquently. Transdermally it is used on a daily basis by some. Due to its high androgenic effects the more cautious user will use every other day. Anyywhere between 30-60/mg every other day. |