Margery picture

 This website has been designed for the purpose of acquainting a wider audience with the work of the British author, Margery Sharp (1905-1991). As well, there are many long-time enthusiasts of the Sharp novels who would like more information about this brilliant author. Sharp is best known for her books for children--'The Rescuers' series--yet her books for adults showed the same talent for story-telling; thoroughly engaging, generous in wit and charm. Margery Sharp was a prolific writer in her long career: twenty six novels for adults, fourteen stories for children, four plays, two mysteries, as well as numerous short stories. At present we are limiting our discussion to her novels and short stories.   
tigress novel pic 

 Navigating the site:

The 'books' link takes you to a bibliography of her novels, the publishing dates, and--for serious collectors--information regarding the various editions. From there you will be able to click on a title to find out a bit more about the individual books.

The 'causerie' button takes you to a discussion of her work, as well as a brief biography.

The 'resources' button will take you to a listing of a few booksellers on the web who can help you find these out-of-print treasures. There you will also find a list of other sites of interest for enthusiasts of British literature.

If you have information you would like to add to this discussion, please use the mail link below.


Credits: Black and white illustrations by Anna Zinkeisen

from the novels 'Sophy Cassmajor' and 'The Tigress on the Hearth'.

Courtesy G.P. Putnam of New York

Background graphic courtesy of Jeremie Chretien

All original text this site ©Rebecca Rose-Cepeda, June 2000