"Fight The Good Fight"
Our pathways are not so different from each other.
We all have our fight to fight and I am sure it is not an accident
that God has planned it out that way.
I think that all of us are
guilty to some degree or another of going to God in the bad times
or for the big things.
Maybe that is why He does have us fight our
way through to better understanding. We are simply children in big
That is why nowhere in the Bible does it say
"it gonna be easy, and it's gonna be fair".
In fact the whole book of Eccesiastes says just to the contrary. I
love that book, I especially love the last paragraph.
It does not matter about anything.
Just obey God.
In a lot of places in the Bible it says to fight the good fight, run the
race, put on your armor!
I am also realizing that there are no passive commands in the
Oh how I would've loved a commandment that God said,
"Don't do anything, I will obey for you!"
Let's see how often I would go to Him then!
The Bible IS an interactive book!
Nothing passive!
If we are passive
about being obedient then our life is in a sort of STUCK place or at
the very least we are trudging through at a much slower pace, not
experiencing the peace that passes all understanding.
I do know that God will not obey "for us". He probably figures he is
doing enough for us.
And you know... He Is!
When I become all stressed out I think that God is probably
saying to Himself, "Well she won't listen to me, I guess she will
have to suffer the consequences". What else would He say? It is
not like I have not been warned.
I have learned though that since long ago in my life as I am
learning obedience to ALL God commands, I am finding it easier
because successes ARE built upon the lessons we allow God to
teach us.
I really do think that God wants us all to roll up our sleeves
and fight the good fight
and NEVER never give up.
Go to:"Is the War Raging?"
If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for
yourselves this day whom you will serve.... As for me and my
household, we will serve the Lord.
--Joshua 24:15
So do you think we should continue sinning so that God will give us more grace? Remember that we are tested by God to humble us and to see what is in our heart.
--Romans 6:1
"With Each Answered Cry"
If you are reading this post
you are probably not in the catagory of the unrepented sinner
who does not care.
They are off out there somewhere doing ungodly things
and thinking they are having a wonderful time.
Think about this for a second...
Could anybody pay you to go back there?
If you are not back there then you are moving forward...
...but you are also hurting.
You are bloodied from the battles
and you almost feel defeated.
You probably don't even think you will make it through the next
Keep Fighting!
Keep Searching! You WILL find it!
You are not back there anymore...
you are not getting weaker.
In your flesh it just feels that way.
With each answered cry
you made to God
you've gained more trust for Him,
and more love for Him.
He has already done remarkable things for you!
Things that you know without a doubt were directly from Him to
He will not leave you...
... no matter what you do or do not do.
He already knows!
God has brought you just the right people
and just the right scriptures
at just the right time!
Continued ...
"Prayers And Poems"
"To Obey Or Not..."
In a study of the book "Anxiety Attacked" by John Macarthur
Jr., these are some of the thoughts that came up:
I find it a little more than ironic that here again as with
the issue of overeating that all is dependent on whether or not I choose
to be obedient.
The Bible clearly states the rules I am to follow. Then it goes on to
say that yes God WILL take care of me. But as with
the overeating issue, what sticks in my mind most is: what will
happen if I don't obey?
It is not good!
So I guess here, as in obeying God will for me not to eat
when I am not hungry, I should not worry at all and refuse
to be drawn in by any of the lies that satan wants me
to believe.
How God Cares For You"
Anxiety is blatant distrust of the power and love of God.
In spite of its lack of subtlety, we fall into it so easily and so
Worry strangles the mind.
As you read through Scriptures, one thing you learn is that God
wants His children preoccupied with Him, not with the mundane, passing
things of this world. He says, "Set your mind on the things above, not
on the things that are on the earth" (Col 3:2)
The more we know about Him the more we will trust Him
...seek first His kingdom and His righteousness!
Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matt 6:21)."
Focusing on earthly treasures produces earthly affections. It blinds our
spiritual vision and draws us away from serving God.
Life comes from God- and the fullness of life from Jesus Christ.
God does not just create life, He also sustains life. As with the
birds of the air. Every time you see a bird let it remind you of God's
abundant provision.
To worry about how long you will live or how to add years to your
life is to distrust God. If you give Him your life and are obedient to
Him, He will give you the fullness of days. You will experience life to
the fullest when you live it to the glory of God. No matter how long or
short it will be wonderful.
Go to:"Fear Not"