Survivors of Suicide Bereavement

Support Association Inc

TELEPHONE CONTACT 24/7: 1300 767 022

The Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association Inc (SOSBSA) is a non-profit support group formed and established for the benefit of those bereaved by suicide.

Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of SOSBSA are to:


Why a Support Group?
A support group helps through empathy and experience that other survivors of suicide have gone through.

It is important to know that there are survivors of suicide, that the survivors are here because they have learned to accept and cope with the tragedy of losing a loved one to suicide.

It's not an easy road and although it may be a long and arduous one you can survive and learn to live with bittersweet memories.

Proceedings of a forum held in October 1998 entitled: The Enigmatic Stigma of Suicide: A Journey Through Grief

A pamphlet entitled: First Aid for Emotional Hurt

A pamphlet entitled: Prevent Suicide: Help a Friend

Bi-monthly Newsletter

If you wish to receive the above three listings, ie: First Aid for Emotional Hurt, Prevent Suicide: Help a Friend and our Newsletter please contact Olwen at the mobile number or email address as shown below.



Facilitating a Bereaved Employee: Guidelines for Employers. This booklet addresses the tribulations a bereaved person may experience from employers and colleagues. It provides an insight into 'grief' and 'bereavement' for all employers and colleagues of the bereaved person.


The Nature of Words: Guidelines for Communicating with the Bereaved by Suicide. This booklet addresses one of the most important issues on the subject of suicide bereavement: effective communication. It is perhaps the single most important first step in helping the bereaved by suicide: Knowing you can talk about it.


Self Healing Tools. This booklet was written not only for the bereaved by suicide but all those suffering the trauma of grief. Lives are forever changed through the death of a love person and by working through our own self healing tools on our journey through grief, there may not be closure or completion, but there is integration of our loss perpetually woven into the nucleus of our lives.


Suicide: The Aftermath. This booklet was written for the newly bereaved by suicide and will be distributed to funeral directors, police, mortuary and ambulance. It helps the bereaved understand the procedures that result because of a suicide.


If you wish to order any of these publications, the cost per copy is $5:00 (includes GST and postage), please email SOSBSA at the address below.



Meetings held fortnightly on Fridays (commencing 9/3/2007)
at 7:30 pm

Mt Gravatt Community Centre
1693 Logan Road
opp TriCare Nursing Home
Facilitators:   Dawn and Allan
Telephone:  1300 767 022

Monthly coffee and chat mornings on second Monday of each month (commencing 12/3/2007) at 10:00am
Contact: Olwen on 4194 0886 or 0401 311 468

For meetings at Nundah please contact Connie on 3212 5916

Fortnightly on Thursdays(commencing 8/3/2007)
at 7:30 pm
Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre
730 Gympie Road
Contact: Connie Tunney on 3212 5916

Meetings held monthly on the second Wednesday of each month (commencing 13/9/2006) at 10:30am
Neighbourhood Centre
111 Targo Street
Contact: Peter on 4155 1015

Meetings held monthly on the second Friday of each month (commencing 9/3/2007) at 7:30pm
Red Cross House
247 Lake Street
Contact: Fran on 4045 2955 or 0407 695 891


Cooloola Bereaved Through Suicide Support Group
Meetings last Monday of each month (commencing 26/3/2007)
at 5:15-6:45pm
10 Channon Street
Contact Telephone: 0438 895 586

Caloundra Living Beyond Suicide Support Group
Meetings are held first Monday of the month (commencing 5/3/2007)
at 10:00am-12:00 noon
42 Croydon Avenue
Contact: Jeanine and Ron: 5491 7452

Survivors of Suicide Support Group
For support and to meet with others
Contact: Shirley Dino on 4978 1843

Suicide Bereavement Group
Meetings fortnightly in Toowoomba
For further details contact: Jill Hills on 4632 9299

Head High Young People Living Beyond Suicide Support Group
Meetings held last Thursday of each month (commencing 29/3/2007)
at 4:30-6:30pm
Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre
Fifth Avenue
Contact: Jill on 0407 766 961

Gold Coast Bereaved by Suicide Support
please contact The Salvation Army
157 Wardoo Street
on Telephone: 5531 3471

If you would like to make a bequest

For many donors, a Bequest is the most practical way of making a significant gift to ensure that the good work of this association continues.

Bequests can be made in a number of ways — cash donations, property, shares or other securities — or a Trust Fund could be set up in favour of the Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association Inc.

The Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association Inc needs your help — so please help us support the bereaved by suicide and the suicidal within our community by including a Bequest in your Will to the Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association Inc.

Your generosity will help to support the bereaved by suicide and the suicidal now and in the future. Bequests are tax deductible.

Noteworthy News
We have for sale beautiful pewter Mourning Dove pins for sale at a cost of $8:00 each. If anyone is interested in purchasing this fundraiser item, please contact Olwen either by phone (number as above) or email (as below).


Dave Cook
Telephone: 5426 2828
Mobile: 0418 323 655

Telephone Contacts on
1300 767 022

Desley Fitzpatrick
Dawn and Allan Judd
Denise Karnilowicz
Olwen Schubert
Allan Judd

Denise Karnilowicz

Dawn & Allan Judd, Marcia Upton
Lyn Grant, Myvanwyn Camp, Kerri Dunn & Kay Naidu
Darrin Larney

Fundraising Committee
Neil Woolmer (Coordinator)
Jan Woolmer,
Myvanwyn Camp
Carole Flavell


Email us at:


Memorial Page: enter here

If you would like to have your loved one's photo
and their or your poems on our Memorial Page
please submit to Olwen, PO Box 334, Springwood Qld 4127
or email same at the above address.

If mailing your photo and you wish to have it sent back
please let us know and we will be happy to do so.



Legends of League Fundraiser at Toowoomba

Marcia and Dave

Tammy, Michael and Denise

SOSBSA Christmas Party held on 27 November 2005






We, as survivors, have stepped out of the shadowlands of despair at the loss of a much loved member of our family, or a dear friend - and although each day may have been, and for some may still be, an extreme effort to rise and face another day - we are still here! We are survivors and as we face each personal memorable event, we take another step out of the shadowlands of our grief towards the hope of healing.


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