"THE VICTORY OF MINE"(Created in Kazan-city prison in 1965 by Ivanov, Parshek, 1965 )
"My Victory - this is everything in the Nature ", Ivanov Parshek.
I) Russian Transliteration
II) English Translation.
"POBEDA MOYA" Po delu ya est' samorodok, a istochnik moj - eto zakalka-trenirovka. Ya truzus' odin na blago vsego chelovechestva, ya uchus' v Prirode, ya govoryu v mire, istinno hochu skazat' o samosohranenii kletki. Moyo zdorovoye, molodoye, zakalennoye serdtse 25 let cheloveka. Vyhod moj v svete. Ya ne boyus' vraga nikakogo, daze svoyei smerti. Esli by etogo ne bylo, ya by uze davno umer. Chelovek ya zemli, dyshu ochen' krepko, arezko govoryu ne pro kakoye-libo chudo, a pro Prirodu, pro prakticheskoye, phisicheskoye yavleniye. Samoye glavnoye - chistyi vozduh, vdoh-vydoh, sneznoye probuzdeniye, mgnovennoye vyzdorovleniye tsentralnoj nervnoj chasti mozga. Ya lyublyu bolnogo, dushu, serdtse ego znayu horosho, hochu emu pomoch, cherez ruki tokom ubivayu ego bol'. Eto vam ne slova govoryat, a vsjo delayetsa delom. Ruka pishet Vladyko, nikogda pro eto ne zabyt'. Ochen' spravedlivoye eto delo, a pros'ba kakaya: menya nuzno budet prosit', budesh vsegda zdorov. Komu eto budet ne nuzno? yunoshe li molodomy, muzu ili startsu? Tak net ubazayemyye, eto delo mirovogo znacheniya! Nam nado Prirodu-Mat' lyubit', tsenit', hranit' eyo kak oko, vot gde istina. Ne bolezn' igrayet rol' nad chelovekom, a chelovek nad boleznyu. Nam nado uchitsya ucheniyu Ivanova, chtoby ne popadat' v tyur'mu i ne lozitsya v bolnitsu, zyt' svibodno, ne lezt' na rozno. Kakaya nam budet slava, esli my budem vezlivost' svoyu seyat' - dedushke, babushke, dyade, tyote, molodomu cheloveku skazem:" Zdrastvuyte". Eh i zizn' moya tyazolaya dlya vseh! Pojmite moyo terpeniye, serdtsa svoi zakalite. Miliye vy moi lyudi, glyante vy na solntse, uvidite vy svoyu pravdu, svoye vyzdorovleniye - byt' takim, kak ya, Pobeditel' Prirody, Uchitel' naroda, Bog Zemli.
English translation:
In my business I am a person with a natural talent (“samorodok” – Russian), and the tempering – training is my source. I am working alone for the benefit of the whole humanity. I am learning from Nature and want sincerely to tell the world about self-preservation of the cell. My healthy, young and tempered heart is of a 25 year-old man. [This is] my appearance in the world. I’m afraid of no enemy, not even my own death. If it weren’t so – I would have been dead a long time ago.
I am a man of the Earth. I am breathing deeply and proclaiming not about some kind of miracle, but about Nature, about practical physical phenomenon. The most important are the fresh air (breathing in and out), and snowy awakening – an immediate healing of the central nervous part of the brain. I love my patient (an ill person), know his heart and soul very well and want to help him – with the current that runs through my hands I am killing his pain. These are not mere words, but everything is done by action. My hand is writing: “ Dear Lord, do not ever forget about it!” This is a very real business and the recommendation is: It is necessary to ask me – then you will always be healthy. And who wouldn’t need it? To a young man, a middle-aged man or an old man? Not so, dear ladies and gentlemen, it is a matter of world importance! We need to love our Mother Nature, appreciate it and protect it as the eye. This is the truth.
Disease shall not overcome the human being, but the human being will overcome
disease. We need to study from Teacher Ivanov, so that we don’t go to prison
or a hospital, but will live independent and not to “stir up a hornet’s nest”.
How glorious we would be if we would spread our politeness to a grandfather,
a grandmother, to a man, a woman, or to a youth man by saying: “ Zdravstvuite”
(“Hello” – “Health to you” in Russian). [I am offering] my hard life for everyone!
Please understand my tolerance, temper your hearts. My dear people, look at
the Sun: you will see your truth and healing. Become like me, the conqueror
of Nature, the Teacher of people, and God of the Earth.