Welcome to my
Health &  Fitness Homepage!
Martial Arts
Weight Training
Jumping To Conclusions
Pushing My Luck
Rolling My Eyes

Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

That's how I like to think of diet and exercise.

The word diet does not come from the Latin  "to          die".  There is nothing wrong with beer, pizza and       banana splits. Just don't have them for breakfast       every day.

Exercise should charge your battery, not drain it.
Build you up, not tear you down. Push it to the
limit and know yours. Take it to the edge, but
don't fall off.

Feeling good is more important than looking good.
If you aren't having any fun, it will show.

Don't we look like we're having fun?
Boxing, Wrestling, Tai Chi, Gun Fu, Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Marriage Do, Divorce Do. I have black eyes in all of them.
Buns of steel, abs of titanium, head of air - I mean hair.

KISS life and it will KISS you back. Keep It Simple Silly.

Food when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty, shade when it's hot,
fire when it's cold, friends anytime. Sharing it all is better than having it all.

Retired US Air Force Master Sergeant, Security Police.
A Broken Arrow is what the Air Force calls a nuclear accident.
Broken Arrow is my nickname; you figure it out.

Oh, there are no little green men at Area 51.
They are not little, they are not green, and they are not at Area 51...