Emotional intelligence for parents

In our course, the parents are first taught how to cope with their own feelings and relationships before they are shown how to raise the EQ of their children. When parents are emotionally intelligent, they have empathy with the feelings of their children and they see every intense emotion as an opportunity to teach the child how to cope with the feeling in the most appropriate way. They are not impatient or judgmental about the feelings of their children. They also realise that they have to be the role model. If parents are unable to control their feelings or communicate them in the correct way, how will the children be able to learn it?

Nagy and Nagy (1999) said the following in their book "How to raise your child's Emotional Intelligence":

"Perhaps the single most important thing you can do to increase your children's EQ is to work on increasing your own. The way we behave, day in and day out, has a tremendous impact on our children. They see how much love we extend to others and early on in life, they adopt a level of happiness, peacefulness, and respect for themselves and others that is very similar to the levels we demonstrate." (p.9-10)

Don't delay - this could be the best gift you can give yourself and your children!

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