A Street Kid's Guide  
How to get from here to there
Its hard to get from here to there
If you never get out of bed.
You lie alot to fool your friends
But you fooled yourself instead.
Its hard to get from here to there.

If you set your goals too high.
Then nothing ever works out right
Too soon, you no longer try.
But the hardest way to get from here to there
Is when all you ever do
Is count up the years, and miles to go.
Then you're through before you're through.

So how do you get from here to there?
Well, you first much believe you can
Let no one tell you differently
It's your life and its in your hands.
Then turn your dreams into your goals
And see what you need now
To satisfy the requirements:

The why, the where and how.
At first you're overwhelmed. of course:
there is so much you dont know.
But keep your faith, be strong and sure,
For you do have a way to go
Take careful  steps and do them right,
Take pride in each thing done.
Don't look too far ahead of yourself,

Just that next step yet to come.
Before  you  know it you'll be there, friend,
Your dreams will be real.
And you'll be standing where I am now,
Telling others how good it feels.
You'll tell them not to quit themselves,
To have faith, though its hard to bear.
So they will know it can be done
They, too, can get from here to there.

Jennings Michael Burch