Spicy Nuts

1 2/3 tsp. Worcestershire
1 Tbsp. salad oil
1/2 tsp. ground red pepper
1/4 tsp. salt
2 cups can walnuts
4 cups water

Heat water to boiling. Add walnuts and bring to a boil again.
Cook nuts for one minute, then rinse under hot water and drain;
pat dry. Brown walnuts in hot salad oil and other ingredients.
Drain and cool.


Macadamia Dip

8 ounces softened cream cheese
2 tsp. onion flakes
3 tsp. horseradish
2 tsp. butter
1 (2 1/2 ounce) jar dried chipped beef, shredded
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
2 1/3 tbsp. cream
1/3 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped green pepper

Mix cream cheese, cream, horseradish, chipped beef, green pepper,
seasonings, onion flakes. Add sour cream. Place in shallow baking dish.
Glaze macadamia nuts in butter in a pan.
Sprinkle nuts over cream cheese mixture.
Bake 20 minutes in oven preheated to 350 degrees.

eggs cheese nuts poultry fish beef oils&fats
[margarine][sugar] [refined] [hydrogenated][veggies]


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